Most people have a number of immediate financial responsibilities and certain financial objectives. In planning a budget, people generally keep both their immediate and long-range objectives in focus. Before drawing up a budget, it helps to answer the following questions.
1)What are my earnings, and how will they affect my personal spending and saving habits?
2)What are my financial assets and liabilities?
3)How much money will I need to put aside to pay for fixed or regular periodic expenses, such as rent and mortgage payments, utilities charges, taxes, insurance premiums , or loan payments?
4)How much money should I keep in savings for variable expenses, such as food, entertainment and recreation, clothing and other personal goods and services, and transportation?
5)How much money should I keep in savings for unexpected costs, such as changes in the cost of living, unemployment, medical emergencies, or natural disasters?
6)What are my long-term financial objectives? For example, how much will I need to save for a trip, college tuition for myself or my children, a house, or retirement?
7)How much money do I plan to invest, and what kinds of short- and long-term yields (投資收益) can I expect from my investments?
After answering these questions, the next step is to establish a budget best suited to personal needs.
A person who earns income in reasonable excess of his or her expenditures will commonly deposit earnings in two or more bank accounts, one or more for saving and usually one for writing checks. In this case, the individual may set aside a percentage of earnings to put into savings each month. This savings deposit is then listed as an item on the budget. Many types of monthly budget forms and personal finance computer programs are available to help individuals and families keep track of budget plans and bank account balances. However, the figures in a personal budget need not balance(收支平衡) perfectly, as required in a corporate bookkeeping (簿記) system. A personal budget should be a guide to the better use of income, not an end in itself.
Households save money for several reasons. Money saved can provide a cushion (緩衝) against bad times, as when wage earners or other members in the household become sick, injured, or disabled. It serves to pay for large expenditures such as houses, cars, and vacations. Families can set aside money for retirement or for investment. Banks and other financial institutions compete for households’ savings deposits by paying interest to the savers.
People can base their spending goals on their gross (毛收入), before tax, or net(淨收入), after tax, incomes. Since taxes are not entirely in any person’s control, most financial advisers recommend keeping regular monthly expenses to two-thirds or less of net income. For most people these expenses would include at least rent or mortgage payments, food, and utilities. Depending on a person’s income, needs, and wants, the two-thirds of income might also include installment payments (分期付款) on a car, or bigger-ticket(費用龐大的) household appliances, electronics, or furniture. Advisers recommend that such payments should never exceed 20.percent of someone’s net income, and close to 10.percent is a good goal. Beyond the basic two-thirds, most people will want to set aside between 10.and 20.percent of net income to cover periodic, but sometimes costly expenses, such as clothing, recreation, and house or car repairs. Again, depending on a person’s needs and assets, such as owning a home or car, 10.percent of net income may be a reasonable goal for covering property taxes and insurance premiums.
A key component of personal finance is financial planning, a dynamic (動態的) process that requires regular monitoring and reevaluation. In general, it has five steps. The first step is the assessment. One’s personal financial situation can be assessed by financial balance sheets and income statements. A personal balance sheet lists the values of personal assets, e.g., car, house, clothes, stocks, bank account, along with personal liabilities, e.g. credit card debt, bank loan, mortgage. A personal income statement lists personal income and expenses. The second step is setting goals. Two examples are “retire at age 65.with a personal net worth of $200,000”and “buy a house in 3.years paying a monthly mortgage servicing (抵押貸款服務的) cost that is no more than 25% of my gross income.”It is common to have several goals, some short-term and some long-term. Setting financial goals helps direct financial planning. The third step is creating a plan. The financial plan details how to accomplish your goals. It could include, for example, reducing unnecessary expenses, increasing one’s employment income, or investing in the stock market. The fourth step is execution. Execution of one’s personal financial plan often requires discipline and perseverance. Many people obtain assistance from professionals such as accountants, financial planners, investment advisers, and lawyers. The fifth step is monitoring and reassessment. As time passes, one’s personal financial plan must be monitored for possible adjustments or reassessments.
The advantages of investing in pooled funds (彙集基金) are access to professional managers’ skills and obtaining the diversification(多樣化) of the holdings within the fund. The investor also receives the services associated with the fund e.g. regular written reports and dividend (紅利) payments. The major disadvantages of investing in pooled funds are the fees payable (應付的) to the managers of the fund, usually payable on entry and annually and sometimes on exit, and the diversification of the fund that may not be appropriate given the investor’s circumstances. It is possible to over-diversify. If an investor holds several funds, the risk increases accordingly. Meanwhile, the costs or fees paid to the professional fund management organization need to be monitored carefully. In the worst cases, the costs e.g. fees and other costs that may be less obvious or hidden fees within the workings of the investment organization, are much relative to the dividend income payable on the stock market and to the total post-tax return that the investor can anticipate in an average year.
To try to identify good shares (股票) to invest in, two main schools of thought (思想派係) exist:technical analysis and fundamental analysis. The former involves the study of the price history of a share and the stock market as a whole. Technical analysts have developed an array of indicators, some very complex, seeking useful information from the price and volume series. Fundamental analysis involves study of all pertinent (相關的) information relevant to the stock and market in an attempt to forecast future business and financial developments, including the likely trajectory (軌道) of the share price itself. The fundamental information studied will include the annual report and accounts, industry data, such as sales and order trends, and information of the financial and economic environment (e.g. the trend of interest rates).