4.還有其他的武術分類嗎?(1 / 1)


Are there other categorizations of wushu?

Wushu is also known as fighting strategies, which fall into categories of unarmed and armed combat. Unarmed combat refers to the boxing arts (拳術) and functions as the basis of wushu training. The main forms include Chang Boxing, Southern Boxing (南拳), Taijiquan and Shaolin Boxing. Armed combat refers to martial arts that use weapons (兵器). Although there are more than 400 different types of ancient Chinese weapons, there are only 18 standard weapons used in wushu competition. Some popular weapons include broadsword, straight sword, spear, staff, double-sword, nine-section whip and three-sectional staff. Sometimes a practitioner will create a variation involving two of the same types of weapons.

Modern wushu competition performances fall into six categories:

a. Empty hand forms.

b. Weapon forms.

c. Choreographed routines (involving two or more people).

d. Group practice.

e. Sparring competition.

f. Qigong power demonstration.


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