一、寫作思路 首段:首先描述中西方文化日益交融的現象,可列舉相關事例說明,比如很多外國人來中國學習功夫、漢語等。接下來,闡述中國的留學熱、中國人積極學習西方文化等現象。
二、參考範文和譯文 參考範文
Cultural Blending: a New Hope for The World
In recent years, these scenes are becoming more and more familiar to Chinese people: foreigners performing cross talk, eating Chinese food with chopsticks or learning Chinese. While the opposite phenomenon is that a large number of Chinese young people choose to study abroad and they learn to eat, drink and speak just like westerners. Without a doubt, these are evidence of the way cultures are blending.
It is true that globalization has promoted international connectivity. Not only are people in China exploring the world outside, there is also today a widespread interest in China as well. With many cultures willing to understand and learn from each other, we can expect to see ideas exchanged more freely as well as cross-cultural contacts growing more steadily—though of course there will always be divisions. What's more, it will become increasingly easy for people from different cultures to cooperate economically, politically, ecologically, and technologically when they have increased interdependence and integration.