第四章(3 / 3)

A dragonfly wanting to cling

A dragonfly darting here and there

A dragonfly of sweetness

Perching on a maiden抯 chest

While each silent trumpet of woodbine

Exudes its breath toward the starry sky

Only because of these glinting wings

Has love endured so long on this land


Were the land to lose the sound of golden wings beating

Were the land to lose the sound of friendship calling

This world would be a desolate world

This land would be a desolate land

What could plunge people into greater hopelessness?

What could make people more sorrowful than this?


Human beings are crafting the protein of life

Human beings are crafting nuclear particles of death

The dove of Picasso

In tandem with a bomber抯 wings

Are flying over mankind抯 head

Over the plain they fly

Over high mountains they fly

Over streams and rivers they fly

Over nameless hidden valleys they fly

Our old one has already crafted a myriad loves

Our old one has crafted a myriad of suns

Look at the dragonflies flying on golden wings

Toward the native places of each race


One day he will quietly pass away

In the name of eternal love his breath will cease

Whereupon a host of lovely dragonflies

Flashing their brilliant golden wings

Will fly in arcs above his tranquil skull

The song-loving Nuosu of this land

Will bear away his earthly remains

Away, towards the ageless undying sun