正文 第四章 They Don’t Call It a Mania for Nothing 不愧書癡(1 / 3)

Harold Rabinowitz



哈羅德·拉賓諾維奇(Harold Rabinowitz),美國著名編輯、作家,現居紐約。他是著名的《麥格勞希爾科技百科全書》(McGraw-HillEncyclopedia of Science and Technology)的執行編輯和《大美百科全書》(EncyclopediaAmericana)的科技編輯,並撰寫過關於航空曆史、古代西方文化等內容的作品。

1999年,他與美國另一著名編輯羅布.卡普蘭(Rob Kaplan)合編了《一派書心》(A Passion forBooks)。此書收集了各類小說、散文和幽默小品,講述愛書人讀書、尋書、借書、藏書的種種故事。本文節選自該書。文中詳細描述了與好友哈伊姆一起淘書的樂趣,尤其是好友那間屯滿書的公寓。向來隻聽說“鳩占鵲巢”,你可知還有“書占人室”?房中幾無一絲空地,連廚房和廁所裏都堆滿了書籍,果真是名副其實的“書癡之家”。

We both loved books. No, we were both crazy about books. Chaim’s apartment in the Bronx was what my apartment back in Brookline was going to become in twentyor thirty years. The front door could not be completely opened because there wasa floor-to-ceiling bookcase behind it (and all bookcases were floor to ceiling; anything less was wantonly wasteful). All the hallways of the apartment werelined on both sides with books; Chaim was a portly person, but even a thinperson had to walk sideways through the connecting hallways of the apartment.And don’t forget the area above the doorways—everyone of them had shelvingloaded, creaking menacingly under the two and three layers of books in eachshelf of the bookcase, with books placed sideways on top of the rows. Chaim andI had discussed the merits of putting books in front of books on shelves the wayartisans might compare notes on some craft like leather tanning. (And Chaim wasenvious that most of my books were in single rows on the shelves, just as I knew that inevitably I’d have to resort to doubling up, a milestone in any book collector’s life.)


The breakfront in the living room had certainly once held their china in the display case and silverware in the drawers; all of that was packed solid withbooks. (You may think you get the idea, but wait, I’m not finished.) There were, of course, bookshelves covering every square inch of wall space in the livingroom, but there were also stacks of books under the sofa, and there were booksneatly but compactly stacked under the end tables on either side of thesofa—from the floor to the shelf midway up the length of the tables, and thenfrom that shelf to the top, and then some books on top of the tables on whichthe lamps that illuminated the room stood. (The legs of those tables curved and the edge of the books followed the curves in and out up the length of thetable.) The same was true of the coffee table in front of the sofa—and the samewas true of the sofa itself—books filled the space between the top of the backof the sofa and the shelves over the sofa (in front of which a large paintinghung—covering the books behind it—of a woman I later discovered was Chaim’smother-in-law).


There were several small card tables in the living room, and each of them hadbooks stacked under them—but with enough room for someone to sit at the table, perhaps a bit sideways if one was not as short-legged as Chaim. And there wereshelves in the recessed windows, and those shelves were packed with books, allowing only a tiny spot of light to peek through from the outside. I had askedChaim early on why he didn’t simply have the bookcase that covered all of thatwall and snaked over, around, and under the window built straight across thehall (some carpenter or handyman had certainly put a child through college onChaim), and he said he didn’t want to block the windows entirely—but I knew thereal reason:He’ll get around to that soon enough; meanwhile why waste such goodspace?
