第七章 iPad再次改變了一切

[1]從2010年開始,喬布斯用:“Apple’s Diabolical Plan to Screw Your iPhone,” iFixIt.com,1/20/2011.

[2]“事實證明人們想要鍵盤”:Beth Callaghan, “Steve Jobs’s Appearances at D, the Full VideoSessions,” AllThingsD.com, 10/5/2011.


[4]艾倫·凱伊(Alan Kay)這個名字:Catharine Smith, “History of Tablet PCs,” Huf.ngton Post,6/15/2010; Jenny Davis, “The Tablet’s Long History” (Geekdad blog), Wired,10/29/11; “Tablet Timeline,” PCMag, January 2013; Jerry Kaplan, Startup: A Silicon ValleyAdventure (New York: Penguin, 1996), 1–36.


[6]世人對iPad的直接反應:“The Book of Jobs,” Economist, 1/28/2010; “Apple’s Hard-to-Swallow Tablet,” Wall Street Journal, 12/30/2009; Claire Cain Miller, “The iPad’s Name Makes Some Women Cringe” (Bits blog), New York Times, 1/27/2010.

[7]然而,最大的非難卻是:Schmidt’s comments were made at a press brie.ng at the World Economic Forum in Davos, 1/28/2010; Brent Schendler, “Bill Gates Joins the iPad’s Army of Critics,” CBS MoneyWatch, 2/10/2010; John McKinley, “Apple’s iPad Is This Decade’s Newton,” Business Insider, 1/27/2010; Arnold Kim, “Apple Gives a Nod to Newton with New ‘What is iPad?’ Ad,” MacRumors, 5/12/2010.

[8]還有那麼多勝負未定的懸念之時:Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), 495.

[9]“我花了一年半的時間”:Joe Hewitt, “iPad,” JoeHewitt.com, 1/28/2010.

[10]“這個家夥纏著我”:Isaacson, Steve Jobs, 467.

[11]庫伊在司法部訴蘋果公司反壟斷案的證詞中,如此解釋了:John Paczkowski, “The Apple iBooks Origin Story,” AllThingsD.com, 6/14/2013.

[12]庫伊說,讀者在iBook應用裏翻書頁時顯示的“卷頁”效果:Peter Kafka, “Steve Jobs, Winnie the Pooh and the iBook Launch,” AllThingsD.com, 6/17/2013.

[13]庫伊說,問題在於:Paczkowski, “The Apple iBooks Origin Story.”
