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[2]這些行業的總收入:美國全國有線電視電信協會數據;美國電視廣告局數據;以及Jack W. Plunkett, Plunkett’s Entertainment & Media Industry Almanac 2012 (Houston, TX: Plunkett Research, 2012).

[3]如果把台式機和移動操作係統算在一起:“Gartner Says Worldwide Mobile Device Sales to End Users Reached 1.6 Billion Units in 2010,”2011年2月9日高德納谘詢公司新聞稿;“Gartner Says Worldwide PC, Tablet and Mobile Phone Combined Shipments to Reach 2.4 Billion Units in 2013,”2013年4月4日高德納谘詢公司新聞稿;Louis Columbus, “2013 Roundup of Smartphone and Tablet forecasts & Market Estimates,”Forbes, 1/17/2013.

[4]一種名為Nexus Q的球形設備:Fred Vogelstein, “It’s Not an Entertainment Gadget, It’s Google’s Bid to Control the Future,”Wired, 6/27/2012; Florence Ion, “Google Finally Lists Nexus Q as Not for Sale on Google Play,”ArsTechnica.com, 1/17/2013.

[5]2013年,穀歌還發布了:David Pogue, “What Is the Point of Google’s Chromebook Pixel?” (Pogue’s Posts blog), New York Times, 2/28/2013.

[6]超過100萬種電子書籍:Rüdiger Wischenbart et al., The Global eBook Market 2011 (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2011).

[7]維亞康姆公司和美國新聞集團等電視製作公司:Eriq Gardner, “Viacom Sues Cablevision over iPadStreaming,” Hollywood Reporter, 6/23/2011.

[8]但Atavist公司通過重構新聞報道:David Carr, “Long-Form Journalism Finds aHome,” New York Times, 3/27/2011; David Carr, “Maturing as Publisher and Platform,” New York Times, 5/20/2012; David Carr, “Media Chiefs Form Venture to E-publish,” New York Times, 9/18/2012.

[9]飛行員不再攜帶笨重的領航圖:“FAA Approves iPad for Pilots’ Flight Planning,” iPadNewsDaily, 2/14/2011; Nick Bilton, “United Pilots Get iPad Flight Manuals” (Bits blog), New York Times, 8/23/2011; Christina Bonnington, “Can the iPad Rescue a Struggling American Education System?,”Wired, 3/6/2013; Katie Hafner, “Rede.ning Medicine with Apps and iPads,”New York Times, 10/8/2012.

[10]在力圖控製片場混亂的好萊塢:Brian Stelter, “Pitching Movies or Filming Shows, Hollywood Is Hooked on iPads,”New York Times, 10/24/2010.