







The Spirit of Volunteerism

Great events are always taking place in our society, whether they areinternational games or terrible disasters. At each event, a crowd of volunteerscan be seen on every corner. They provide professional medical service indisasters such as earthquakes, carry food or materials to help refugees, orguide tourists and visitors through great events like the World Cup or theOlympic Games. This spirit is invaluable to society and should be encouraged.

The spirit of volunteerism represents the spiritual pursuit of human beings andserves as a driving force for the progress of societies and civilization. Withnumerous volunteers at the site of conferences and historical events likeOlympic Games, high quality service is assured. The behavior of the volunteerswins great fame for those who take part. Meanwhile, their skills are enhancedthrough participating in these events. Through the process of conqueringcountless difficulties, they have to deal with different people and confront avariety of challenges, and their contribution goes far beyond materialsatisfaction.