

1. BASE Jumping (sometimes written as B.A.S.E. jumping): BASE stands for Buildings, Antennae【天線】, Spans【橋墩之間的一段橋梁】 (bridges) and Earth (cliffs)—these being the fixed objects that masters of this incredibly dangerous sport jump from. BASE jumpers will jump with a parachute【降落傘】 off any tall structure including skyscrapers, electrical towers, bridges and cliffs. In the past, BASE jumpers have leaped from the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building. People who try this sport almost always end up arrested (it's not exactly legal) and some don't even live long enough to get arrested. (We told you it was dangerous.)

2. Free Diving: Divers will plunge【跳進】 up to 400 feet underwater in a single breath. At the 2001 Free Diving World Cup, 15 people had to be rescued because of blackouts【眩暈】 caused by their brains not getting enough oxygen【氧氣】.

3. Cave Diving: Imagine being more than 100 feet underwater in a deep, cold and dark cave. Divers are well-trained but there are so many things that can go wrong which is why this is one of the world's most dangerous sports. You can lose your way, run out of air, your equipment can fail or you can be eaten alive by a cave creature.

4. Speed Skiing: This is the world's fastest non-motorized sport and one of the world's most dangerous sports.

Skiers wear special skis and aerodynamic【空氣動力學的】 suits to fly down a hill at speeds up to 160 miles per hour! That's almost as fast as a racecar! One crash often means death.