
作者:Kahlil Gibran



As the Sun 1)withdrew his rays from the garden, and the moon threw 2)cushioned 3)beams upon the flowers, I sat under the trees 4)pondering upon the 5)phenomena of the 6)atmosphere, looking through the branches at the 7)strewn stars which 8)glittered like 9)chips of silver upon a blue carpet; and I could hear from a distance the 10)agitated murmur of the 11)rivulet singing its way 12)briskly into the valley.

When the birds took 13)shelter among the 14)boughs, and the flowers folded their petals, and 15)tremendous silence 16)descended, I heard a rustle of feet through the grass. I 17)took heed and saw a young couple approaching my 18)arbour. They sat under a tree where I could see them without being seen.

After he looked about in every direction, I heard the young man saying, "Sit by me, my beloved, and listen to my heart; smile, for your happiness is a symbol of our future; be merry, for the 19)sparkling days 20)rejoice with us.

"Soon you will be the owner of this vast land, lighted by this beautiful moon; soon you will be the mistress of my palace, and all the servants and maids will obey your commands.

"Smile, my beloved, like the gold smiles from my father's 21)coffers.

"My heart refuses to deny you its secret. Twelve months of comfort and travel await us; for a year we will spend my father's gold at the blue lakes of Switzerland; you will meet the princesses who will envy you for your jewels and clothes.