服 從
amenable adj.順從的(obedient,docile);易控製的;願接受的(willing to accept)
【例】 Young people are more amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration.
comply vi.順從,遵循(obey)
【例】 A good citizen complies with the laws of the country.
【派】 compliance(n.順從,聽從)
compromise v.妥協;危害
conform vi.遵守;符合;順應(to comply)
【例】 The building does _disibledevent=plenty(多) + ish → 重新變多 → 補充
【例】 The music will replenish my weary soul.
【派】 replenishment(n.補給)
restitution n.歸還(compensation,giving back);複職
supplement n.v.增補,補充(add)
【例】 Kia supplements her regular salary by tutoring in the evenings.
【派】 supplementation(n.增補)
命 令
compulsory adj.義務的(obligatory,mandatory,required);必修的
【記】 com + puls(推,衝) + ory → 向前衝 → 義務的
【例】 The use of seat belts is compulsory in many states;failure to wear them may result in fines. A composition class is compulsory for all college students.
embargo n.禁運令,封港令
imperative adj.急需的(necessary,urgent);命令的
【記】 imper(命令) + ative → 命令的
【例】 The man is dying;an immediate operation is imperative. Don't talk in an imperative tone of voice.
injunction n.命令;【律】 指令,禁令
【例】 They failed to obtain an injunction.
mandate n.命令;要求(command)
【記】 mand(命令) + ate → 命令
【派】 mandatory(adj.強製的)
承 認
commitment n.承諾,保證(promise);投身,獻身(dedication,devotion);承擔的任務(task undertaken)
concede v.讓步;承認(to admit or acknowledge)
【記】 con + cede(讓) → 讓步
【例】 I conceded that I had made a mistake.
【派】 concession(n.妥協,讓步;承認) concessive(adj.有妥協性的,讓步的)
recognize vt.認識,認出;承認(acknowledge)
【例】 I recognized Peter although I hadn't seen him for 10 years.
【派】 recognition(n.認識;承認)
testify vt.證明,證實;作證(give evidence,verify)
【例】 Her tears testified her grief.
【派】 testimony(n.證言)
disavow vt.不承認,抵賴;拒絕對…承擔責任(to deny knowledge of,connection with,or responsibility for)
【例】 The bus drivers' union has disavowed any involvement in the violence.
【派】 disavowal(n.不承認,否定)
生 養