正文 第二類 科技與進步2(1 / 3)

083 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


1 科技發展使得地球村出現


It is evident that our world is becoming a smaller place. We now have overnight delivery of packages, email communication and the ever so popular cellular communication. Globalization and increased international business can be directly attributed to mass media and mass transit. The concept of globalization sometimes approaches this change as being one which either should or will result in a complete homogenization of culture and the formation of a unified global community.

2 科技發展使全球化進程加快


The term globalization has come into common usage since the 1980s, reflecting technological advances that have made it easier and quicker to complete international transactions including both trade and financial flows. It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity. Globalization can be looked at from five different aspects:economically, technologically, politically, culturally and environmentally.

3 全球化進程使人們之間的聯係更緊密


People around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. Products produced in one part of a country are available to the rest of the world. It is much easier for people to travel, communicate and do business internationally. This whole phenomenon has been called globalization. Spurred on in the past by merchants, explorers, colonialists and internationalists, globalization has in more recent times been increasing rapidly due to improvements in communications, information and transport technology.

4 科技發展使文化全球化成為可能


Technology has now created the possibility and even the likelihood of a global culture. The Internet, fax machines and satellites have swept away the old national cultural boundaries. Global entertainment companies now seem to shape the understandings and dreams of ordinary citizens, wherever they live. Globalization leads to better cultural unit.

5 全球化表現在政治、經濟、文化等方麵


Globalization is the growing interdependence of the world's people that involves the integration of economies, technologies, and cultures. It is described as the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders. All of this has led to the increased interconnectedness among the world. Globalization is often thought of in economic terms, but as we know, there are three major components implicated with this idea —economics, politics, and cultures. Some associate globalization with modernization whereas, and it is perceived that there is an alteration of “traditional”societies into “Western”industrial ones. This challenges us into a debate of whether globalization is positive or negative.

037 Do you agree or disagree that progress is always good? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


1 科技的進步會讓很多人失業


Another aspect in which progress has proven not to be good is the decrease of the need for human labor. The use of advanced computers has created a technological world, where manual labor is not needed as much as before. The computer as a precise machine without a need for social benefits or salary demands has replaced the need for working hands, leaving many without a job. It is no doubt that a lot of people around the world have lost not only their job but also their pride in what they do.

2 醫學發展對人類的益處


Progress in the field of medicine has decreased child mortality, increased longevity and eliminated some of the terminal diseases.

3 技術進步拉大貧富差距


On the other hand, industrialization has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. The rich is becoming richer and the poor is becoming poorer. The rich can avail all the facilities and enjoy them but the poor cannot afford to buy all facilities and cannot enjoy them.

087 What discovery in the last 100 years has been most beneficial for people in your country? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


1 疫苗的發明對人類的意義


There are many diseases infecting children, such as the polio disease, which may lead to death. Scientists found a solution to this problem, by injecting a tiny sample of the virus into the child's blood, in order to stimulate the immune system to fight the disease if the child catches it, which is known as vaccination.

2 抗生素的發現對人類的意義


Antibiotics have played a major role in our society thanks to Sir Alexander Fleming's careful observations in 1928. Without it, many lives would be in danger due to infectious diseases. Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by various species of microorganisms and other living systems that are capable in small concentrations of inhibiting the growth of or killing bacteria and other microorganisms. These organisms can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or animals called protozoa. A particular group of these agents is made up of drugs called antibiotics, from the Greek word anti (“against”)and bios (“life”). Some antibiotics are produced from living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and molds. Others are wholly or in part synthetic —that is, produced artificially. Penicillin is perhaps the best known antibiotic. Its discovery and later development is among mankind's greatest achievements. Antibiotics have enabled the medical profession to treat effectively many infectious diseases, including some that were once life-threatening.

178 The 21st century has begun. What changes do you think this new century will bring? Use examples and details in your answer.