2 科學和藝術人們都需要
One needs both art and science to be fulfilled. If we see a play, the lighting is manipulated and the props are measured and cut to a certain size. In music there is rhythm and time. In architecture there is measurement and surveying. If art is focused upon more than science or science is focused upon more than art, there will not be an equal balance of appreciation between the two fields. There is no art without science. There is no song without pitch and tone and volume. There is no theater without costumes and measurements and carefully designed sets. Art and science should be equally appreciated because each has a great deal to offer.
3 藝術和科學在現實中並存
Art is not only part of society, but is the product of the beliefs and values of the artist and the audience. I believe that the world is divided in the same manner as the human brain. There are both scientific side and artistic side. Everything in the world can be placed in at least one of the two categories. Furthermore, I believe that neither side is dominant over the other.
4 科技的積極作用
Technology is knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks more efficiently. We use technology to control the world we live in. Science and Technology are making advances at an astonishing rate. From telephones to the Internet, calculators to computers, cars to rockets and satellites, we are part of a new world of discoveries and inventions made possible by science. Fields like medicine and communications have changed our cultures and our lifestyles.
132 If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.
1 發明的定義
An invention is defined as the process of discovering or presenting an element of novelty that will be of use to someone or something. Inventing has been continuously occurring for centuries. An invention may be based on an earlier idea or collaboration, or may be an entirely new breakthrough altogether.
2 發明節能設備,例如綠色高效節能燈,從而保護環境
Changing the world starts with simple actions. When you replace light bulbs or entire light fixtures in your home with ones that have earned the government's Energy Star, you help preserve energy resources and reduce the risks of global warming while saving money and time buying and changing lights in your home.
To save the most energy and money, replace your most frequently used fixtures or the light bulbs in them with energy-efficient models. The five most frequently fixtures in a home are typically the kitchen ceiling lights, the living or family room table and floor lamps, and outdoor porch or post lamp. Energy Star qualified lighting fixtures and replacement bulbs can be found at home improvement and hardware stores, lighting showrooms, and other retail stores, including on-line outlets.
The smallest things can add up to a real difference. We encourage you to change the light fixtures or bulbs at home that you use most with Energy Star qualified models. If every American home replaced their 5 most frequently used light fixtures or the bulbs in them with ones that have earned the Energy Star, we would save close up to $8 billion each year in energy costs, and together we would prevent the greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions from nearly 10 million cars.
3 發明的意義是讓人類的生活更便利
Some of the greatest inventors of all time, including Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Steve Jobs and the Wright brothers, all had one thing in common: they wanted to make life a little easier and more convenient for the rest of us. An invention is essentially just a good idea that serves a purpose. The only goal an invention has to accomplish is solving some kind of problem. Whether it's making it easier for wheelchair-bound individuals to get around, or the scientific discovery of a new medical vaccine, every invention fits its own significant role in society.
4 富蘭克林的一些奇思妙想和發明創意
Some of Ben Franklin's Quirkiest Ideas:The glass armonicaFranklin loved music, playing and composing it himself. On one of many trips he would take to England he saw a performer play a tune by stroking the rims of water glasses, each a different size and filled with varying amounts of liquid. Intrigued by the concept, Franklin set about creating a more structured version of the rim trick. With a glassmaker's help, the armonica was born. A wooden stand propped up 37 glass hemispheres on a rotating rod, which Franklin ran moistened fingers along to produce a variety of notes depending on the thickness of the glass. Both Mozart and Beethoven would eventually compose classical pieces specifically intended for the instrument.
Swim finsAs an avid swimmer, Franklin was drawn to water at a young age and consistently promoted the healthy benefits of the exercise in his later writings. At the ripe old age of 11 he invented a pair of fins that, unlike today's modern flippers, were strapped to the swimmer's hands to help make each stroke more efficient. His contributions to the sport led to his posthumous induction into the International Swimming Hall of Fame.
The library chair & extension armSpending an inordinate amount of time among the stacks at the library he founded in Philadelphia, Franklin was inclined to improve the simple devices he used while enjoying his books. First, he converted a regular library chair into a multi-functional appliance that could be sat on or used as a small ladder. For those books still out of reach, Franklin devised an extendable“arm”with fingers that opened and closed by pull cord.