正文 旋轉角可變的人體檢測算法(1 / 3)



作者:董誌聰 黎福海 劉少雄



中圖分類號: TP391.41 文獻標誌碼:A


Abstract:Prevalent human detection methods are usually applied in cases without rotation angle, and their detection rates are poor when rotation angle varies. In order to solve the issue, an algorithm which could identify human with variable rotation angle was proposed. Firstly, Radial Gradient Transform (RGT) method was adopted to obtain the rotationinvariance gradient. Then, adopting the method similar to the way that blocks were overlapped in the Histogram of Oriented Gradient(HOG) feature, a plurality of descriptors with rotation angle information were obtained and connected linearly into a descriptor group with rotation invariance feature, according to the descriptors rotation angle. Finally, the human detection algorithm was conducted with the support of a twolevel cascaded classifier based on Support Vector Machine (SVM). The recognition rate of the proposed algorithm achieves more than 86% for a human test set with 144 different rotation angles based on the INRIA pedestrian database. In the meantime, the false detection rate is less than 10% for a _disibledevent=11.25°(k-1),k∈[1,16]上檢測率較低,隻高於87%。第一級分類器是多類分類器,其非人體誤檢率較高。

圖7可看出,第二級分類器在人體旋轉角為0°人體測試集上達到94%,(-11.25°, 11.25°)內檢測率在90%以上,而在其他角度檢測率接近為0,在全角度的非人體測試集誤檢率低於7%,即第二級分類器檢測出人體旋轉角為0°的人體。



3.3 與HOG檢測算法的比較

