正文 你是網絡良民還是網絡惡霸?(1 / 2)



作者:Michael Nugent

Please answer the following questions:

Q: Have you ever seen something hurtful posted[發帖子] about a friend on social networking?

A. Yes! I posted it!

B. Yes! But I didn’t get involved[涉及,卷入] or they might say something to me!

C. Yes! It was hurtful so I reported them and told a responsible[有責任感的] adult!

Q: If someone said something hurtful to you or one of your friends online, you would…

A. Retaliate[報複]!

B. Ignore[不理睬] them! (Especially if it wasn’t to me).

C. Report them on the site’s help page!

Q: Have you ever posted an embarrassing photo of anyone online to upset[使心煩] them?

A. Yes! He/she deserved[應受(賞罰等)] it!

B. All my friends do it but I don’t like to get involved as it might make me a target[目標]!

C. No! I always ask permission[許可] before I post any photo online!

Q: Do you know how to report someone on Facebook or other social networking sites?

A. No! If someone is mean to me I will fight back myself!

B. No! I usually stay out of online feuds[不和]!

C. Yes! It’s important to stay protected online!
