第二章 開始人生

Chapter Two The Beginning of One’s Life

第一節 出生是人生的起點

Section One Birth Is the Starting Point of One’s Life


The first cry of anyone who comes out of his or her mother’s body into the world is announcing to allpeople on earth that he or she has already begun his or her life. But everyone has different experiences inone’s life and thus one’s life becomes very unique and wonderful.


Let’s read Cao Xueqin’s A Dream of Red Mansions and study the birth, death and life of the writer andthe main characters’ in the novel. We can enjoy their different experiences and wonderful lives and learnmuch from their experiences and lessons in life.

1.1 內容介紹1.1 Introduction小說《紅樓夢》是曹雪芹於18世紀中葉清代(1644—1911)乾隆統治時期(1736—1795)根據自己的身世經曆和對現實的深切感受,飽含著血淚寫成的。清代的康熙、乾隆兩朝號稱盛世,但恰恰是在這樣的盛世中卻潛伏著危機,製造著悲劇,反映到文學創作上,就產生了《紅樓夢》這樣偉大的悲劇作品。

Based on the writer’s life experience and his deep sense of the realities, the novel A Dream of RedMansions was written by Cao Xueqin with all his devotion in the mid-eighteenth century during the reign(1736—1795) of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644—1911). The two reigns of Emperors Kangxiand Qianlong in the Qing dynasty are known as the Golden Ages, but it is in these Ages that crises arebrewing and tragedy is in the making. Their reflections in the literary writing lead to the birth of a great tragicwork of literature—A Dream of Red Mansions.


By depicting the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, A Dream of Red Mansions exhibiteda history of the prosperity and decline of the four big families as the predominant Jias, the Shis, the Wangsand the Xues, and portrayed scenes of decline and numerous tragedies in life in the last period of the feudalsociety, thus objectively revealing a historical trend of the ever-declining feudal society. The novel is investedwith sentiment and illusion, of which All Good Things Must End and Songs of A Dream of Red Mansionscan be regarded as its theme song. Chapter Four of the novel not only sums up the main content but also theartistic composition. The author has constructed the plot according to the requirements of the theme. Theprosperity and decline of the four big families, especially the Jias, form the main thread running through thewhole novel. Around this thread unfolds three sets of closely interconnected contradictions: those betweenthe feudal rulers and the ruled, those between feudal orthodoxy and the rebels, and those within the rulersthemselves. The complex development of these three sets of contradictions throughout the story results finallyin the utter bankruptcy of the Jia family. The novel also depicts the inevitable doom of the other big feudalfamilies while presenting the tragic destiny of the Jia mansions, a big aristocratic family of the feudal society,from its prosperity of“gilding the lily and spraying oil over the blazing flames”to its decline of“thetottering building will collapse and the flickering candle will peter out”.

《紅樓夢》描寫的是一個由社會、家庭和個人三層組成的悲劇世界。就個人層麵而言,賈寶玉是眾多悲劇人物中的一個代表。小說描寫了賈寶玉的人生悲劇。賈寶玉是作者理想化的人物。他生活在溫柔富貴鄉裏,卻天生有一種感傷的氣質和一種癡情,他不願走封建家長為他安排的讀書做官的道路,卻走向了一條背叛封建禮教的叛逆道路。他重情輕禮,喜歡美麗的少女,厭惡男人,他認為女兒是水做的骨肉,清潔無比,而男人是泥做的, 濁臭逼人。


A Dream of Red Mansions depicts a tragic world, which consists of the three dimensions—the society,family and individual. As far as individual dimemison is concerned, Jia Baoyu is a representative of themany tragic characters. The novel portrays the life tragedy of Jia Baoyu, who is an idealized character of theauthor’s. Jia Baoyu lives in the home of pleasure and luxury, but is endowed with sentiment and passionatedevotion. He does not choose to travel the arranged path to do his studies and take his official career by thefeudal patriarchy, but resets himself onto the way to revolt against feudal ethical codes. He thinks more offeelings than of feudal ethical codes, and he prefers beautiful young women to men, thinking that youngwomen are made of water, pure as ever and men of clay, stinking and stifling. He objects to rules of etiquettesand ethics in the male chauvinist society, but appreciates, eulogizes and cares for the female and volunteersto protect them. He upholds his true love for Lin Daiyu and opposes the arranged marriage by the feudalpatriarchy. As his beloved Lin Daiyu and other beautiful young women were tortured to death or scatteredhere and there in the feudal society, he came to recognize the darkness and evils of the realities, feel a pain ofsuffering and illusion in life and eventually renounce his family and the society in utter despair to be tonsuredto become a monk.


Generally speaking, love, marriage and family are the important three steps in one’s life. Thenovel portrays the tragic love and marriage between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu on the one hand andbetween Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai on the other. The love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, whichis“predestined”and based on their mutual love and understanding, is a free and pure love without anyconcern for family status and interests; and it is also a constant and rebellious love, which emphasizes feelingrather than feudal ethical codes, and thus runs counter to feudal ethical codes. This kind of love conforms toneither the feudal ethical codes nor the interests of the feudal families nor the will of the feudal patriarchy, soit is strangled to death and ends in a heart-breaking tragedy, including the death of Lin Daiyu and Jia Baoyu’sdecision to be tonsured to become a monk. The marriage between Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai is“well-matched”. As a beautiful and virtuous lady, Xue Baochai adjusts herself to feudal ethical codes. She thinksmore of feudal ethical codes than of feelings; She involuntarily restrains her temperament and feelings andalways behaves herself according to the needs of the feudal ethical codes. She knows her place, but she isvery astute. Although Jia Baoyu gets married to Xue Baochai by force, he has little in common with her andfinally decides to forsake her and tonsure himself to become a monk. Thus their marriage without love endsup tragically. Because of the tragic love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu and the tragic marriage between JiaBaoyu and Xue Baochai, the“nuclear family”is destroyed as soon as it is built up within the Jia mansions,a big aristocratic family of the feudal society. Without the younger generation’s“nuclear family”, how can abig family last long?


Society is the aggregate of people—men and women living together in a more or less ordered community.

A Dream of Red Mansions depicts the tragedy for the female. It visualizes an Eden for the female—A GrandView Garden, where there live a bevy of beautiful, vivacious and youthful girls, including the aristocratic ladieslike Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun and Jia Tanchun, the maidservants like Qingwen, Zijuan and Xirenand the actresses like Ouguan, Fangguan and Ruiguan. All of them are beautiful and intelligent, and eventhe personifications of beauty, but they have ended in tragedy, none of whom stay free from the tortures andpersecutions of the feudal influences. Cao Xueqin extolled their ingenuity, sympathized with their unfortunatefates and bitterly condemned the society of wrecking the beauty. Besides the tragedy for the female, is there notragedy for the male? The striking contrast between the rulers’ world centered by men outside the Grand ViewGarden and the ruled world centered by women inside the Grand View Garden not only exposes the corruptand reactionary nature of the superstructure in the last period of Chinese feudal society but also pronounces theinevitable doom of Chinese feudal society.


While presenting the above three dimensions of the tragedy, the novel also demonstrates how the fourbig families were linked with the court and the local officials to form a network of control with the feudalautocratic state power as its center to savagely oppress and ruthlessly exploit the broad labouring masses allover the country. The feudal rule of the four big families epitomizes the dark rule of feudal society as a whole,just as their decline reflects the inevitable doom of the entire feudal system.


Cao Xueqin did not finish his monumental work before he died. Only eighty chapters written by him areextant in manuscript form with comments by Zhi Yanzhai. He wrote more than these but unfortunately themanuscripts of the later chapters were lost. The last forty chapters in the present novel were the work of Gao E.

Gao E (1758—1815), courtesy name Lanshu, passed the imperial examination for Jinshi during the reign ofEmperor Qianlong and became a tutor to the Imperial Academy. His literary talent and thought rank next toCao’s and his chapters, therefore, fall behind Cao’s in artistry and thought. However, his merits deserve praisefor he has written the sequel to A Dream of Red Mansions and made a complete whole of it.

1.2 作者人生1.2 The writer’s Life眾所周知,《紅樓夢》的作者是曹雪芹(1715—1763),名沾,字夢阮,號雪芹、芹圃、芹溪。他出生在南京,祖籍在今天的東北遼陽市。他的祖先,盡管是漢族人,但後來被接納入滿族右白旗。接連三代,六十多年,他的祖父輩均任江寧(今天的南京)織造。他的曾祖母孫氏是康熙皇帝幼年時期的保姆,其祖父曹寅是康熙皇帝的陪讀和近身侍衛。康熙皇帝六下江南巡視,有四次就是曹寅陪著照顧,獨享殊榮。在曹寅死後,曹家在曹雪芹父親曹俯的統領下繼續享受著康熙皇帝的恩寵。但當雍正皇帝當政時,曹俯因被指控財經虧空和驛站管理失誤而遭革職,家庭財產被沒收。曹家從此結束了平靜幸福的日子。他們必須從南京搬家到北京。曹雪芹原本過著嬌養奢侈的生活長大。由於貧困纏身,他最終遷居到京西郊外鄉下的茅舍裏。茅舍隻有蓋席陋窗,繩床瓦灶。他家有時窮得吃不起飯,隻有喝粥。1762年他年幼兒子的過早去世給了曹雪芹致命的打擊。從此他就一病不起,沒錢買好藥治療,他本人也於1763年2月12日與世長辭了,享年48歲。

It's well known that the author of A Dream of Red Mansions is Cao Xueqin (1715—1763). Hispersonal name was Zhan. His courtesy name was Mengruan. His literay names were Xueqin,Qinpu or Qinxi.

He was born in Nanjing. His ancestral home was in what is now Liaoyang City, in Northeast China, and hisforebears, although Han Chinese themselves, had been accepted into the Manchu Right White Banner.

For three successive generations, a period of some 60 years, his ancestors had held the post of TextileCommissioner in Jiangning (Present-day Nanjing). His paternal great grandmother, surnamed Sun, hadbeen nursemaid to the infant who was later to become the Kangxi Emperor, and his grandfather, Cao Yin,had been the future emperor’s study companion and close attendant accompanying him when he came tothe throne on four of his six inspection tours of the south, a singular honor. After the death of Cao Yin, thefamily, under the headship of Cao Xueqing’s father Cao Fu, continued to enjoy the emperor's favor, but whenthe Yongzheng Emperor ascended the throne, Cao Fu was removed from his office and punished on chargesof financial mismanagement and incompetence in the management of courier stations. The family propertywas confiscated, and the Caos’ halcyon days came to an end. They had to move from Nanjing to Beijing.

Cao Xueqin, who had spent his childhood in pampered luxury, now shared the family’s fate of a wretchedexistence. Dogged by poverty, he eventually moved to a rustic hovel with matting windows, earthen stove andrope-bed on the west outskirts of the capital. He was then so poor that his family sometimes had nothing moresubstantial to eat than porridge. The death of his young son in 1762 was a crushing blow to Cao, from whichhe never recovered. Unable to afford good medical treatment, he himself passed away on February 12, 1763,at the age of forty eight.


Cao Xueqin was haughty by nature, but an extremely talented literary man. He was also a painter wholiked painting stones, in a style described by a friend of his—Dun Min, as sturdy. But Cao’s fame rests on hismagnificent achievement in writing the full-length novel A Dream of Red Mansions.


A Dream of Red Mansions was written in circumstances of dire poverty, after Cao Xueqin had sufferedthe decline of his family fortunes from its heyday of power and affluence. The various contradictions inmoribund feudal society and the calamities befalling his own family due to struggles within the ruling classopened Cao Xueqin’s eyes to many significant social phenomena which he described most vividly in his book.

His life experiences not only provided the material for the novel, they also raised his awareness and temperedhis character. With A Dream of Red Mansions, Cao Xueqin bequeathed people with the tragic experiencesof his life, his deep insight into humankind’s inner worlds, his artistic invention of the novel’s structure andcharacters, and his great mastery of language.


Why did Cao Xueqin write A Dream of Red Mansions? In the opening chapter of the novel, heexplains: The author wanted to record certain of his past dreams and illusions, but he tried to hide the truefacts of his experience by using the allegory of the jade of“Spiritual Understanding”. Hence his recourseto names like“Zhen Shiyin”(homophone for“true facts concealed”). But what are the eventsrecorded in this book, and who are the characters? About this he explains further: in this busy, dusty world,having accomplished nothing, I suddenly recalled all the girls I had known, considering each in turn, and itdawned on me that all of them surpassed me in behavior and understanding; that I, shameful to say, for all mymasculine dignity, fell short of the gentler sex. But since this could never be remedied, it was no use regrettingit. There was really nothing to be done. I decided then to make known to all how I, though dressed in silkand delicately nurtured thanks to the imperial favour and my ancestors’ virtue, had nevertheless ignoredthe kindly guidance of my elders as well as the good advice of teachers and friends, with the result that Ihad wasted half my life and not acquired a single skill. But no matter how unforgivable my crimes, I mustnot let all the lovely girls I have known pass into oblivion through my wickedness or my desire to hide myshortcomings. Though my home is now a thatched cottage with matting windows, earthen stove and rope-bed,this shall not stop me from laying bare my heart. Indeed, the morning breeze, the dew of night, the willowsby my steps and the flowers in my courtyard inspire me to wield my brush. Though I have little learning orliterary talent, what does it matter if I tell a tale in rustic language to leave a record of all those lovely girls.

This should divert readers too and help distract them from their cares. That is why I use the other name“JiaYucun”(homophone for“fiction in rustic language”).



Then, how did he write A Dream of Red Mansions? In Chapter One, Cao Xueqin tells readers: If there’sno way of finding out the date, you can easily ascribe this tale to some time in the Han or Tang Dynasty.

But since all novels do that, I think my way of dispensing with this convention and just dealing with my ownadventures and feelings is more original. Why insist on a certain dynasty or definite date ? Besides, mostcommon people of the market-place much prefer light literature to improving books. The trouble is that somany romances contain slanderous anecdotes about sovereigns and ministers or cast aspersions upon othermen’s wives and daughters so that they are packed with sex and violence. Even worse are those writers ofthe breeze-and-moonlight school, who corrupt the youth with pornography and filth. As for books of thebeauty-and-talented-scholar type, a thousand are written to a single pattern and none escapes borderingon indecency. In order to insert a couple of their own love poems, the writers invent stereotyped heroes andheroines with the inevitable low characters to make troubles among them like clowns in plays, and make eventhe slave girls talk pedantic nonsense. So all these novels are full of contradictions and absurdly unnatural.

Much better are the girls I have known myself during my younger days. I wouldn’t presume to rank them assuperior to all the characters of earlier works, yet their stories may serve to dispel boredom and care whilethe few doggerels I have inserted may raise a laugh and add zest to wine. As for the scenes of sad partingsand happy meetings, prosperity and decline, these are all true to fact and not altered in the slightest to causea sensation or depart from the truth. At present the daily concern of the poor is food and clothing, while therich are never satisfied. All their leisure is taken up with amorous adventures, material acquisition or trouble-making. What time do they have to read political and moral treatises? I neither want people to marvel at thisstory of mine, nor do I insist that they should read it for pleasure; I only hope they may find distraction herewhen they are sated with food and wine or searching for some escape from worldly cares. By glancing overit in place of other vain pursuits, they may save their energies and prolong their lives, sparing themselvesthe harm of quarrels and arguments, or the trouble of chasing after what is illusory. Besides, this story offersreaders something new, unlike those hackneyed and stale hodge-podges of sudden partings and encounterswhich teem with talented scholars and lovely girls, for instance, Cao Zijian (192—232, Cao Cao’s youngerson, a noted poet of Wei State of the Three kingdoms Period), Zhuo Wenjun (the widow who married thescholar Sima Xiangru in the second century B.C), Hongniang (the maid and go-between in the Yuan dramaThe Western Chamber)and the like. Cao Xueqin in his Mourning-the-Red Studio pored over the book forten years and re-wrote it five times. He divided it into chapters, furnished headings for each, and renamed itThe Twelve Beauties of Jinling. He also inscribed on it this verse:

Pages full of fantastic talkPenned with bitter tears;All men call the author mad;None his message hears.



In writing A Dream of Red Mansions, in order to avoid the cruel penalties for subversive writing, theauthor had to write in a veiled, indirect way. Thus at the start of the novel the author tried to hide the truefacts of his experience by telling the myths of Nv Wa Repairing the Sky and the Pledge Between Plant andStone, hence his recourse to names of people Zhen Shiyin, Zhen Yinglian, Jia Yucun, etc, names of placesthe Home of Pleasure and Luxury, Blue Ridge Peak of Baseless Cliff of Great Waste Mountain, Illusory Landof Great Void, etc., names of ghosts and gods or goddesses, the Goddess of Disenchantment, the attendantShen Ying, the romantic souls, etc, by recording his dreams and illusions, poems and verses, lantern riddles,drinking games, drawing lots, songs and music, proper names, etc., hence his recourse to homophones (e.g. inIllusory Land of Great Void, the name of the tea the young maids present to Baoyu is Thousand Red Flowersin One Cavern, in which the word“Cavern”is the homophone for“sob”and the name of the wine is TenThousand Beauties in One Cup, in which the word“Cup”is the homophone for“grief”), implications (e.g.

In Wang Xifeng’s dream, Qing Keqing tells her that“after the three months of the spring, all flowers will fadeand each will have to find his own way out”which implies that it would be very short-sighted not to takethought for the future in the belief that our present good fortune will last for ever), indications (e.g. the Goddessof Disenchantment makes Baoyu“look at the three registers of the girls in his own household”, whichindicate the girls’ lives), etc. so that he could have the true facts concealed with fiction in rustic language. Inother words, the author could not openly present the true facts of the contemporary political struggle. He couldonly claim that his book“did not touch at all on current events”and that on the contrary“the main themewas love”. In fact, the great realist writer Cao Xueqin mounted a bitter attack on the evils of real politics. Onthe surface this novel deals largely with the love between Baoyu and Daiyu, but actually, through this story aswell as many other episodes in the book, the author penetratingly exposes the evils of the feudal system andthe crimes of the feudal rulers. It also describes the sufferings and revolt of the labouring masses, truthfullyreflecting the social contradictions in the last period of feudalism as well as the actual political struggles ofthe time. Besides his way of dispensing with this convention and just dealing with his own adventures andfeelings is more original and writing in a veiled, indirect way, a striking contrast is another most outstandingwriting method, for example, the striking contrasts between Zhen Baoyu and Jia Baoyu, between the Ladydowager and Granny Liu, between Illusory Land of Great Void and the actual society, between the rulers’

world centered by men outside the Grand View Garden and the ruled world centered by women inside theGrand View Garden,etc. Just as Lu Xun observed in The Historical Development of Chinese Fiction:“Theappearance of this novel marked a break with traditional ideas and methods of writing.”


Cao Xueqin’s great distinction is not only having written a great novel A Dream of Red Mansions withconsummate art and perfect technique, but also having introduced a new and higher conception of life andlove into Chinese literature and society.


Cao Xueqin’s life is one that is shining brilliantly for ever. The beauty of A Dream of Red Mansionsby Cao Xueqin can exist for ever just as the beauty praised in Shakespearean Sonnet XVIII. Therefore, CaoXueqin is always living in the hearts of all readers on earth—by writing A Dream of Red Mansions, Mr Caohas embodied his life in his everlasting works. His life is consequently prolonged for ever—his body is deadwhile his fame is undying. He’s still living on in spirit. Isn’t it worth our learning and study?

1.3 作品欣賞1.3 Appreciations of the Novel《紅樓夢》有著豐富的思想和觀念,是一個藝術的多麵世界,越鑽研,發現的東西也越多。其迷人之處,簡而言之,就在於它充分而真實地揭示了青年人的天真、熱情、優美和親切。盡管小說中的主人公賈寶玉和林黛玉生活的時代及其社會情況和文化環境早已消失,但他們的夢想和渴望以及大觀園的年輕女子們仍然撥動著今天人們同情的心弦。

A Dream of Red Mansions is rich in ideas and concepts. It is a multi-faceted world of art into whichthe more one delves the more one finds. The charm of the novel lies, in short, in its revealing youth fully andtruthfully, in its uncovering the naivety, zeal, grace and tenderness of the younger generation. Although theera in which the protagonists of the novel Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu lived, together with its social conditionsand cultural environment, has long since vanished, their dreams and longings, together with those of theyoung ladies of the Grand View Garden, still strike a sympathetic chord in the hearts of the people of today.



A Dream of Red Mansions is the peak of the art of the novel in ancient China. Its artistic achievementis displayed first of all in its dazzling array of characters (as many as 975). With superb artistry the authorpresents a panoramic genre-painting, a whole gallery of highly individual yet typical characters. Throughdetailed descriptions of their dail life he succeeds in depicting their different idiosyncrasies, thoughts andfeelings. In the use of dialogue too he shows outstanding skill, putting such distinctive speech into eachcharacter’s mouth that the reader feels as if he can see and hear the speaker. Lady Dowager, Jia Zheng, JiaBaoyu, Yuanchun, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun, Wang Xifeng, Qin Keqing, Second Sister You,Granny Liu, Xiren, Qinwen and the others all have their distinct personalities and are as true to life as ifthey were living among us. These richly complex characters with their different stations in life and divergentviews and philosophies act out an intricate pattern of human relationships and conflicts within the Jia familymansion. Apart from their distinct ways of acting and speaking, and the peculiarities of their appearances,dress and living arrangements, these people all have clear character traits. The reader knows who is who justby their manner of speaking or the layouts of their rooms. Peculiar to the characterization in this novel is thefact that it breaks with the stereotypes of traditional Chinese fiction like good characters always describedas good and bad ones as bad, and employs different writing methods to display their rich and complicatedpersonalities from different angles. Such character delineation is a rare accomplishment not only in Chineseliterature but in the whole field of world literature.


The literary merit of A Dream of Red Mansions is also displayed in the grandness and exquisiteness ofits artistic structure. The novel is a microcosm of the world of its time, revolving around the love between JiaBaoyu and Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai. The host of personages and events converge on, link and restrict eachother to make the plot develop smoothly in a chain of cause and effect, as the tragedy moves dramatically andinexorably to its climax. The world of A Dream of Red Mansions is as rich, complicated, deep and natural aslife itself. Though created by Cao Xueqin according to his own experiences of life and his family history, thenovel betrays no trace of craftsmanship, but presents itself as a natural and spontaneous entity, and it is thisaspect that marks it as a sublime work of art.

《紅樓夢》使用的語言既通俗又清麗,準確精練,生動形象,自然流暢,具有詩情畫意。人物的語言達到了高度的個性化, 能夠準確地顯示出人物的身份、地位和性格,新鮮傳神,令人讚歎不已。難怪人們會說曹雪芹是個語言大師,他的語言創造使《紅樓夢》的語言達到了爐火純青的地步。

The language used in A Dream of Red Mansions is marked by popularity and elegance, accuracy andconciseness, liveliness and graphicness, naturalness and fluency as well as poetic beauty. The language foreach character achieves a very high degree of individuality and precisely indicates his or her identity, statusand temperament. It is so fresh and lifelike as to be praiseworthy. No wonder people say Cao Xueqin is agreat master at language. His language competence has almost perfected the language of A Dream of RedMansions.

《紅樓夢》是部百科全書式的小說,以一個貴族家庭為中心展開一幅社會曆史全景畫卷。當時中國社會的每級每第,從皇帝的配偶到商販、信童, 都是以真實生活的時興式樣再現出來,並且,以封建社會末期出現的所有社會矛盾為線索貫穿全書情節。例如主仆間、妻妾間的爭鬥,貴族中的經濟危機,繼承權的爭奪,封建主義和新生的民主精神的鬥爭等等。小說還提供了當時貴族家庭的園藝建築、車馬用具、衣裝飾品、習慣禮儀、食物飲料、醫藥補品等的大量細節。實際上,《紅樓夢》所介紹的文化內容之豐富多彩不僅在中國文學史上,就在世界文學史中也是同類小說所罕見的。

A Dream of Red Mansions is an encyclopedic novel. Centered on an aristocratic family, it unrollsa panorama of social history. Every grade and station of Chinese society of that time—from an imperialconsort to peddlers and messengers boys—are presented in a true-to-life fashion. In addition, all the socialcontradictions which emerged toward the end of the feudal period are threaded through the plot: for instance,the conflict between master and slave, that between the master of the house’s legal wife and his concubines,the economic crisis in a noble clan in the absence of an heir, and that between feudalism and the newlysprouting spirit of democracy. The novel also provides a wealth of details concerning aristocratic householdsin those days—garden architecture, the equipage of carriages, clothing and ornaments, customs and etiquette,food and drink, medicines, etc. Indeed, the cultural reference content of A Dream of Red Mansions is of akind rarely seen not only in the history of Chinese literature but also in the history of world literature.

在中國古典小說中,因一部作品的研究而在學術界成為一門專學的,大概隻有《紅樓夢》一書。幾百年來對《紅樓夢》的學習和研究,經久不衰,論爭迭起,包含著很多有趣的課題和謎案,如《紅樓夢》的版本、思想藝術內容、最後四十回、後續問題、文學主題,曹雪芹的生活和家庭背景、紅學曆史等。對這些課題和謎案的不同觀點和解釋,便出現了不同的紅學學派,如評點派、 索隱派、 新紅學派等。甚至在今天,它仍是我們中國人談論的熱門話題。由此可見《紅樓夢》在中國文學史上至高無上的地位。

The Chinese classic A Dream of Red Mansions is perhaps the only novel to have become a specializedfield of study. The research on and study of the novel has continued for hundreds of years, and hasengendered a great deal of debate, bringing up interesting themes and mysteries, such as its editions, itsideological and artistic content, the last 40 chapters, the sequels, the literary content, Cao Xueqin’s life andfamily background, the history of Redology, etc. Because of the different viewpoints and interpretations aboutthe themes and mysteries mentioned above, there are different schools of Redology, such as the Pingdian(Commentating) school, the Suoyin(Tracing out the hidden) School, the New Redologist school, etc. Even upto now, it is still a hot topic of conversation among us Chinese. All this fully proves its paramount status in thehistory of Chinese literature.


A Dream of Red Mansions attracted the interest of a wide range of readers as soon as it began tocirculate in hand-copied form. It was spread like wildfire, even beyond the border of China. Since the 1840s,the novel has been published in many foreign languages, including English, German, French, Japanese,Russian, Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Korean, Vietnamese and Thai, etc. All these translations have helpedto increase appreciation of A Dream of Red Mansions among readers worldwide and establish the novel asa true jewel in the store of mankind’s cultural wealth, thereby making an indelible historical contribution tohuman civilization.

1.4 主要人物的人生(經驗教訓)1.4 Major Characters’ Lives (Experiences and Lessons)賈母:賈母出生於金陵史侯貴族家庭。她成人之後,嫁給榮國公之長子賈代善。榮國公死後,長子賈代善襲了官。他們生了兩子一女,長子賈赦,次子賈政,女名賈敏。賈代善早已去世,太夫人尚在,自然就成了賈家的最高統治者。正如賈母自己所說:“我進了這門子,做重孫媳婦起,到如今,我也有個重孫子媳婦了……憑著大驚大險、千奇百怪的事,也經了些。”“我到你們家已經六十多年了,從年輕的時候到老來,福也享盡了。”“聽見賈母喉間略一響動,臉變笑容,竟是去了。享年八十三歲。”

The Lady Dowager: The Lady Dowager was born of an aristocratic family of Marquis Shi of Jinling. Aftershe grew up, she was married to Jia Daishan, the elder son of the Duke of Rongguo. Jia Daishan succeededto the title after his father’s death. They had two sons and a daughter: the elder son Jia She, the youngerson Jia Zheng, the daughter named Jia Min. Jia Daishan has been dead for many years but his wife, LadyDowager Shi, is still alive and has naturally become the top ruler of the Jia Household. Just as the LadyDowager said:“I came to this house as the bride of a great grandson, and now I have great granddaughtersin law myself. ... I’ve had plenty of shocks and frights and seen all manner of amazing happenings.”“I’velived in your family sixty years and more, from girlhood to old age, and had more than my share of goodfortune.”“Now they heard a rattling in her throat, and a smile overspread her face as she breathed herlast—at the age of eighty three.”


The Lady Dowager is a good manager of the Jia Mansions. Just as she said:“At Xifeng’s age I outshoneher. Still, even if she’s not up to me she’s way ahead of your aunt (Lady Wang)!”The Lady Dowager isextremely clever and capable. She properly handled all kinds of contradictions in the Jia Mansions, such asthe contradiction among Jia Lian, Xifeng and Ping’er, etc. She firmly solved the serious problem that someservants in the Garden had formed gambling clubs. She skillfully dealt with many important family affairs, forinstance, her eldest son Jia She wanted to make her maidservant Yuan Yang his concubine, etc.

賈母顧大局,識大體。雖說她“素來本不大喜歡賈赦,那邊東府賈珍究竟隔了一層”,但她還是在錦衣軍查抄寧國府後,“叫邢王二夫人同著鴛鴦等開箱倒籠,將做媳婦到如今積攢的東西都拿出來,又叫賈赦、賈政、賈珍等一一的分派。”並說:“你們別打量我是享得富貴受不得貧窮的人哪!不過這幾年看著你們轟轟烈烈,我樂得都不管,說說笑笑,養身子罷了。那知道家運一敗,直到這樣!若說外頭好看,裏頭空虛,是我早知道的了, 隻是‘居移氣,養移體’,一時下不了台就是了。如今借此正好收斂,守住這個門頭兒,不然,叫人笑話。”

The Lady Dowager bears the overall situation in mind and puts the general interest above all.Althoughshe“had never been too fond of Jia She, while Jia Zhen being of the East Mansion was not one of herdescendants,”after the Imperial Guards raided the Ning Mansion, she“made Lady Xing, Lady Wang,Yuan Yang and others open up her cases and take out all the things she had stored away since coming hereas a bride. Then she summoned Jia She, Jia Zheng and Jia Zhen to share out her belongings.”And shesaid:“But you mustn’t imagine I’m someone who enjoys riches and rank and can’t endure poverty. Theselast few years you seemed to be doing fine, so I didn’t interfere, content to laugh and chat and nurse myhealth, never dreaming that our family was doomed to ruin like this! I knew all along that we were putting onan empty show, but everyone in the household was so used to luxury that we couldn’t cut down expenses allof a sudden. Well, here’s a good chance to retrench, to keep the family going, if we don’t want to become alaughing-stock.”



The Lady Dowager has rich experience in life. She loves her family, her children, even indulging hergrandsons and granddaughters. She is beloved and respected as“Old Ancestress”. She is always kind andamiable, full of human interest. But the Lady Dowager’s love is differentiated according to the interests of heraristocratic clan. Take the love betwen Baoyu & Daiyu for example. The Lady Dowager, despite loving hersickly young granddaughter very much, regards her as completely unsuitable as a marriage partner for Baoyu,for Daiyu, is narrow-minded, hyper-sensitive and often ill, more importantly, she aids and abets Baoyu in hisrebellion against feudal lodes, leading him down a path that spells ruin for the family. When Xifeng told theLady Dowager that Daiyu had died, the Lady Dowager sobbed and said:“I have her death on my conscience.

But the child was really too foolish!”She was in a dilemma, wanting to go to the Garden to mourn Daiyu,yet reluctant to leave Baoyu. So the Lady Dowager asked Lady Wang to go instead and instructed:“Tell herspirit from me. It’s not because I’m heartless that I’m not coming to see you off, but there’s someone closerhere whom I have to see to. As my daughter’s daughter you are dear to me; but Baoyu is closer to me eventhan you. If any harm comes to him, how am I to face his father?”On the contrary, having seen Baoyu, theLady Dowager directly went in to see Baochai and said compassionately:“I’ll tell you, child, but don’t letBaoyu know. It’s all because of your Cousin Lin that you’ve been so unfairly treated. Now that you’re marriedI can tell you the truth: your Cousin Lin died a couple of days ago—at the very hour of your wedding. Thisillness Baoyu has is because of her. You used to live together in the Garden, so I’m sure you know what Imean.”


The Lady Dowager enjoys both felicity and longevity. Why? People will say that her happiness comesfrom her good birth and good marriage. But it’s far from perfect. What’s more important, her felicity amdlongevity come from her good qualities mentioned above and her good characters of what she says asfollows:“People should make the best of what they’ve got, able to enjoy rank and riches or to put up withpoverty. Your Cousin Baochai has always been broadminded. When her family was well-off she wasn’t theleast bit conceited; later, when they got into trouble, she kept cheerful. Now that she’s one of our family, whenBaoyu treats her well, she takes it calmly, and if he’s bad to her it doesn’t provoke her. I think that’s her goodfortune. Your Cousin Daiyu, on the other hand, was narrow- minded and hyper-sensitive; that’s why shedidn’t live long. Xifeng, being more experienced, shouldn’t let upsets influence her behaviour. If she’s sofoolish, that’s rather petty too.”


Jia Zheng: Jia Zheng is the younger son of Lady Dowager. He was so fond of studying as a child thathe was his grandfather’s favourite and he was hoped to make a career for himself through the examinations.

However, when his father died, his father left a valedictory memorial, and the Emperor out of regard for hisformer minister not only conferred the title General of the First Rank on his elder son Jia She but askedwhat other sons there were, granted Jia Zheng an audience, and as an additional favour gave him the rank ofAssistant Secretary with instructions to familiarize himself with affairs in one of the ministries. He has soonrisen to the rank of Under-Secretary in the Board of Works. Jia Zheng’s wife, Lady Wang, bore him a soncalled Jia Zhu who passed the district examination at fourteen, married Li Wan before he was twenty andhad a son named Jia Lan, but then fell ill and died. Lady Wang’s second child was a daughter, born on thefirst day of the year and called Yuanchun. Their third child was another son named Baoyu. Jia Zheng andConcubine Zhao had two children, the daughter named Tanchun, the son named Jia Huan. Thus, Jia Zhengaltogether had five children.



Jia Zheng is very strict with their children. His daughter Yuanchun was well educated and chosen to bea Lady-Clerk in the palace of the heir apparent because of her goodness, filial piety and talents. When Baoyuwas sent to school, Jia Zheng instructed:“Give my compliments to the school principal, and tell him fromme that he’d far better expound The Four Books and make his pupils learn them by heart.”When Jia Zhengwas told that Baoyu had neglected his studies at home and played about outside and exchanged gifts withactors, Jia Zheng was livid with fury and roared:“Gag him! Beat him to death!”When his mother came,he immediately stepped forward to bow respectfully and said with a smile:“Why should you vex yourself,mother, and come over on such a hot day? If you have any instructions, just send for your son.”When theLady Dowager scolded him for having beaten her dear grandson, at once he fell on his knees, tears in his eyesand pleaded:“If your son disciplines his son, it is for the honour of our ancestors. Don’t grieve, mother! Iwas wrong to lose my temper. I shall never beat him again.”To his mother, Jia Zheng is always docile andobedient, full of filial piety.


Jia Zheng is an unassuming, generous man who takes after his grandfather, well-disposed to scholarsand delighted in honouring worthy men of letters and helping those in distress. He is always utterly loyalto the Emperor. Even after the Imperial Guards having raided the Jia Mansions, with tears of gratitude hekowtowed towards the north to thank the Emperor.

他決心做個好官。“那年正值京察,工部將賈政保列一等,二月,吏部帶領引見。皇上念賈政勤儉謹慎,即放了江西糧道。”他曉行夜宿,到了本省,見過上司,即到任拜印受事,便查盤各屬州縣米糧倉庫。他出示嚴禁,並諭以一經查出,必定詳參揭報。他認真查辦,州縣饋送,一概不受。門房、簽押、長隨等人,抱怨道:“你們爺們到底還沒花什麼本錢來的。我們才冤:花了若幹銀子,打了個門子,來了一個多月, 連半個錢也沒見過!想來跟這個主兒是不能撈本兒的了。”次日,他們都辭去了。“那些可去的去了,”留下的家傭商議道:“我們去不了的,到底想個法兒才好。”隔一天,管廚房的上來要錢。賈政將帶來銀兩付了。以後便覺樣樣不如意,比在京的時候倒不便了好些,無奈,便喚管門李十兒來,說:“現在帶來銀兩,早使沒有了。藩庫俸銀尚早,該打發京裏取去。”李十兒稟道:“老爺說家裏取銀子,取多少?現在打聽節度衙門這幾天有生日,別的府道老爺都上千上萬的送了,我們到底送多少呢?”賈政道:“為什麼不早說?”李十兒說:“我們新來乍到,又不與別位老爺很來往,誰肯送信?巴不得老爺不去,好想老爺的美缺呢。”賈政道:“胡說!



He is determined to be a good official.“That year the records of officials in the capital were examined,and the Ministry of Works ranked Jia Zheng as first class. In the second month, the Minister of OfficialAffairs took him to an audience at court and the Emperor, in recognition of his frugality and circumspection,appointed him Grain Commissioner of Jiangxi.”Travelling by day and resting at night, he finally reachedhis provincial post and presented himself to his superior. He then went to his office, and when the officialseal had been ceremoniously made over to him, he started checking up on the granaries in the districts andcounties under his jurisdiction. He issued stern prohibitions, threatening to report in detail any instances ofcorruption that were discovered. He carried out serious investigations and refused all gifts sent by the localofficials. The Yamen secretaries, scriveners, attendants, runners and others all complained,“You gentlemenat least didn’t sink any capital into landing your posts. We’re the ones who’ve been sold out: we spent potsof silver to get these jobs, but after more than a month here we haven’t made a single cent! If we stick to thismaster, we shall probably never recoup our capital.”The following day they all resigned.“Those able toleave have gone,”the family stewards remaining there said.“But as we can’t, we must think of some wayout.”“A day later, when the steward in charge of the kitchen came with a request for money, Jia Zheng hadto pay him out of his own pocket. But after that things went from bad to worse—compared with this, it hadbeen plain sailing in the capital. In desperation he summoned the gateman Li Shi’er and said:“The silverwe brought was spent days ago, and it’s not yet time to draw the allowance from the provincial treasury. Weshall have to send to the capital for more.”“How much money does Your Lordship want us to fetch fromhome?”replied Li,“I’ve heard that the governor will be celebrating his birthday in a few days, and all theother officials are sending him thousands of taels. How much shall we send?”“Why didn’t you tell meearlier?”said Jia Zheng.“We’re new here and haven’t had much to do with those other gentlemen; so whyshould they send us word? They’re only hoping you won’t call to congratulate him, sir; so that when you’redismissed they can get your lucrative post.”“Nonsense!”Jia Zheng retorted.“I was appointed by HisMajesty. The governor can’t dismiss me just because I fail to congratulate him on his birthday.”“You’reright, of course, sir,”replied Li with a smile.“But the capital is far away, and it’s the governor who reportson everything here. If he commends you, you are a good official; if he finds fault, you’re likely to lose yourjob. By the time the court learns the truth, it is too late. Our old lady and the other mistresses are all longingfor you to have a magnificent success here.”“What would you do in my place?”asked Jia Zheng.“Justthis, sir. While you’re in your prime, with friends at court and the old lady in good health, look after your owninterests. Otherwise, in less than a year you’ll have spent all your family’s money and made those above andbelow resent you too. They’ll all assume that in this provincial post Your Lordship must be salting moneyaway. So if some trouble crops up, who’s going to help you? By then it will be hard to clear yourself and toolate to regret!”“Are you advising me to become a corrupt official?”protested Jia Zheng.“Forfeiting mylife would be of less consequence, but would you have my ancestors deprived of their noble titles?”“Agentleman of your discernment, sir, must surely have noticed which officials have landed in trouble in recentyears. All old friends of Your Lordship’s they were, and you often remarked on their probity; but now what hasbecome of their good name? On the other hand, some relatives whom you have always run down have beenpromoted. It all depends on how well one handles things. You must understand the need, sir, to care for thelocal officials as well as for the people. Why, if you had your way, sir, and wouldn’t let the local magistratesmake a cent, who would handle all the work in the provinces?”explained Li.“Those clerks and runnersall bribed their way into this Yamen; so of course they all want to feather their nests. They have families tosupport.”“All you need to do is keep up appearances, living up to your good name as an honest official,while in private we underlings get the job done and take whatever blame there may be without involving YourLordship.”Jia Zheng did not know what rejoinder to make to this.“I can’t risk my life!”he exclaimed,“Ifyou get into trouble, I won’t be responsible.”He then retired to his room. After that Li Shi’er assumed greatairs, conniving with others inside and outside the Yamen to handle affairs unbeknown to Jia Zheng, who feltso satisfied that all was going smoothly that, far from suspecting Li, he trusted him completely. ConsequentlyJia Zheng has been impeached by the governor. A report has been sent to the court, but thanks to HisMajesty’s clemency it hasn’t been referred to the ministry. It has been decreed:“Since he failed to keep hissubordinates in check and levied too heavy a grain tax, cruelly exploiting the people, he should be dismissed.

But in view of the fact that he was new to this provincial post and inexperienced in administration, enablinghis subordinates to deceive him, he is to be demoted three ranks and, by the gracious favour of the Emperor,can still serve as assistant minister of the Ministry of Works. He is to return forthwith to the capital.”AfterJia Zheng was impeached and returned to the capital to his old post in the Ministry of Works from his post asGrain Commissioner of Jiangxi, never, day and night, did he neglect his duties. Indeed, he is really a model ofpropriety with a strong sense of moral obligation in his society.


Jia Zheng is unaccustomed to practical business. All he does on his return from court is to read booksor play chess. He has no idea how to manage the household. That’s why he has turned over the supervision ofhis family affairs to Jia Lian and his wife. He can not control his subordinates but let them feather their nests.

He has failed to bring up his sons and nephews well—“Who would’ve thought that each new generation ofthis noble and scholarly clan is inferior to the last.”As an official appointed by the Emperor, Jia Zheng hasbeen given the rank of Assistant Secretary at first, soon risen to the rank of Under-Secretary in the Boardof Works; after his term of office as Examiner of Provincial Education by His Majesty’s favour, he has beenappointed Grain Commissioner of Jiangxi; though having been demoted three ranks, he can still serve asassistant minister of the Ministry of Works and will keep the title of Duke of Rongguo, and“after the periodof mourning is to be made vice-minister of the Ministry of Works”.In spite of his diligent and steady work athis post, Jia Zheng only has a life of peace and mediocrity.




Jia Baoyu: Jia Baoyu was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Because his grandmother’s alwaysdoted on him, he’s used to being spoilt with the girls. That’s one of the reasons why is he delighted in playingabout in the women’s apartments and taking no interest in books. Though he is remarkably mischievous, yetso clever you won’t find his equal in a hundred. And he says the strangest things for a child.“Girls are madeof water, men of mud,”he declares.“I feel clean and refreshed when I’m with girls but find men dirty andstinking.”“As a result of being brought up among girls... he had come to the conclusion that while humanbeings were the highest form of creation, the finest essences of nature were embodied in girls, men beingnothing but the dregs and scum.”Subsequently, someone gave an admirable picture of Baoyu in the versewritten to the melody The Moon over the West River:

Absurdly he courts care and melancholyAnd raves like any madman in his folly;For though endowed with handsome looks is he,His heart Lawless and refractory.

Too dense by far to understand his duty,Too stubborn to apply himself to study,Foolhardy in his eccentricity,He’s deaf to all reproach and obloquy.


Jia Baoyu is bred up among his sisters and maids in an aristocratic family. He has no inclination for thearistocratic way of life, which he finds hypocritical, hateful and corrupt. He detests the pursuit of rank andwealth indulged in by other gentlemen who are trying to cheat or outwit one another, cutting down the tree thatgives them shade. He has sympathy for and respect women. He equally treats all the maids like his sisters.

To him, pure beauty is to be found in innocent young girls, including low born servant girls. Therefore, hedoes his best to avoid taking part in the pastimes and activities of others of his station. He personally prefersto mingle with the innocent and guileless young girls of the household in the Grand View Garden. He is quiteunmoved when his elders castigate him for his heretical inclinations. On the contrary his rebellious naturebecomes more ardent firm under the impact of constant feudal oppression, culminating in his falling in lovewith Lin Daiyu and his elders marrying him off to Xue Baichai.



Jia Baoyu is no ordinary youth but more high-spirited and wilful than other boys, with someindescribably perverse streaks in his character: He is always fond of“playing about with girls’ cosmetics andpowder. He often likes to kiss the rouge on girls’ lips. He habitually runs after everything in red.”He caresfor girls too much. He is“the most passionate lover of all time”.“This instantly threw Baoyu into one ofhis frenzies”.“We beg you to warn him of the dangers of lusting after women, so that he may escape fromtheir snares and set his feet on the right path”. In a word, he’s crazy—crazy about passion and crazy withlove. But he is definitely not a lewd man and he is only born with a passionate nature. His love has undergonea gradual process from blind stage to passionate, to sincere, to understanding, to desperate stages. That’s whyhe has finally left his young and beautiful, gentle and virtuous wife Baochai. His idea that“men are dirtywhile women are clean”runs counter to the traditional feudal idea that men are superior to women. This isone of the reasons why he is considered as a rebel of his times.



Baoyu has an inveterate dislike of entertaining literati and officials or men in general, let alone learnfrom them something about the world and administration, which may help him to manage his own affairsin future. He also hates putting on ceremonial dress to pay calls, return visits or offer congratulations orcondolences. Every day after paying his respects early in the morning to his grandmother and mother hespends the rest of the day amusing himself in the Garden, often glad to idle away his time by offering hisservices to the girls and maids. He hates serious books, such as The Four Books and The Five Classics butgives all his time to all kinds of unorthodox books so as to acquire miscellaneous knowledge. He even keepsa pile of novels old and new, tales about imperial concubines and empresses, as well as romantic librettoson the canopy over his bed to read when he is alone. He keeps on singing praises of the Western Chamber,The Peony Pavilion, etc.“They’re real masterpieces!”he often says,“You won’t be able to give a thoughtto eating once you start reading them.”He sneers at those who study hard so as to get on and gives them anickname“career-grubbers”. He also calls those who take part in the Imperial Examinations so as to seekofficial positions and riches“time-servers and place-seekers”,“fishing for fame and reputation”. Hesays that the orthodox books are all the fault of the ancients who had nothing better to do than coin maximsand codes to control stupid, uncouth men. About the eight-section essays in the Imperial Examinations,Baoyu said that there were the fashionable eight-section essays which he had always loathed, taking the viewthat as these were not written by sages or worthies they could not expound the wisdom of sages or worthiesand were simply ladders by which later examination candidates climbed up to bureaucratic advancement.

His words mentioned above were then contrary to the teachings of loyalty and filial piety, which were thecore of feudal morals and also the foundation of the state in the feudal society. His parents often urge him tostudy hard. Especially, his father is very strict with him and says repeatedly that“you may write a few linesof poetry but it’s not up to much, nothing to boast about. After all, when you come to take the examinations,it’s essay-writing that counts; but you’ve neglected that. Here’s what you’re to do from now on. Stop versifyingand writing couplets, and concentrate on studying eight-section essays. I give you one year. If you’ve madeno progress by the end of that time you can stop studying, and I shall disown you!”And he said to Baoyu’stutor:“I have brought my son here myself today because I have a request to make. He’s no longer a childand it’s time for him to study for his career, so as to establish himself and win a name in future.”“Whyshould he just play about instead of studying?”Baoyu’s tutor answered.“Poetry is all very well, but he’llhave plenty of time to take that up after passing the official examinations.”But Baoyu says“I can’t standsuch moral talk. And those eight-section essays are still more ridiculous. Using them to wangle a degree andmake a living—that’s not so bad; but how can you claim they‘voice the views of the sages?’”Baoyu hasfallen short of the expectations of his parents and the tutor, who brought him up. That’s why he is regardedas a degenerate and an unfilial son. He has a dislike for The Four Books, the eight-section essays and theImperial Examination. This means that he will never accept a noble rank to serve the state and the Emperor.

Consequently, he is taken as a disloyalist. Disloyalty and unfilial piety make Baoyu a rebel in the feudalsociety.


About man’s birth and death, he declares:“Why did I have to be born into this noble family? Althoughmy status is higher, I’m just a stump of rotten wood swathed in silks and satins, just a cess-pool or gutterfilled with choice wines and meats. Riches and rank are anathema to me.”“All men must die. The thing isto die for good reasons. Those vulgar sods believe that ministers who die for remonstrating with the Emperorand generals who die in battle win immortal fame as fine, upright men—but wouldn’t it be better if they didn’tdie? After all, there has to be a despot on the throne before ministers can remonstrate; but they court deathin their eagerness to make a name, with a complete disregard for their sovereign. In the same way, there hasto be a war before generals can die in battle; so they fight recklessly and try to win fame by dying, with nothought of the country’s welfare. That’s why I say these aren’t worthy deaths.”“They die to win a reputation,and don’t know noble principles.”

封建時代的婚姻不是建立在愛情的基礎上,而是基於家族利益的各種考慮。賈家盡管經曆了幾代顯耀,但已衰落,不僅經濟上收入不夠揮霍的生活方式支出,而且他們在道德上和精神上都衰敗了。“誰知這樣鍾鳴鼎食的人家兒,如今養的兒孫,竟一代不如一代了!”在整個家族子孫中,隻有賈寶玉有望振興賈家的未來。當賈家的命運變得更糟糕時,其家長就變得日愈急於糾正寶玉的任性,以便他能恢複賈家興旺的情景,一再暗示寶玉與寶釵才是完美的婚配並加緊限製寶玉的自由。封建壓迫的鐐銬加緊了寶黛之戀的束縛,盡管他們之間的愛情是世上最純潔、最崇高、最真誠的。正如寶玉所說:“我隻恨我天天圈在家裏,一點兒做不得主, 行動就有人知道,不是這個攔,就是那個勸的,能說不能行。雖然有錢,又不由我使。”寶玉一直追求自由、平等和愛情。結果,在經曆了身邊各種封建矛盾的痛苦碰撞後,他發現他不能忘記他所愛的人來和寶釵生活在一起,終於離開了家庭,遁入了空門。正是:




Marriage in feudal times was not based on love, but on considerations of family advantage. The Jias,although they have been a distinguished clan for generations, are in decline, not only economically—theincome from their estates is no longer sufficient to support their lavish lifestyle—but more importantly,they are in decline morally and spiritually.“Who would’ve thought that each new generation of this nobleand scholarly clan is inferior to the last.”Nowhere in the whole clan is mere a scion who gives them somuch hope for their future prosperity as Jia Baoyu. As the fortunes of the Jia family worsen, the head of thehousehold grows daily more anxious to correct Baoyu’s waywardness so that the boy can restore the situation,hinting time and again that Baoyu and Baochai would make a perfect match and tightening the restrictionson Baoyu’s freedom. The bonds of feudal oppression tighten around Baoyu and Daiyu although their mutuallove is the purest, the noblest, the sincerest in the world. Just as Baoyu said:“My trouble is that I’m coopedup at home all the time and am not my own master. Every move I make is known, and there’s always someonetrying to stop me or dissuade me, so whatever I say, I can’t do a thing. Though I’ve money, I can’t spend it asI want.”Baoyu has been seeking freedom, equality and love, but after he has undergone the painful clash offeudal contradictions in his surroundings, he has only found that he can not forget his sweetheart to live withBaochai, and finally he has left the family home—has become a Buddhist monk. Truly:

“Those who see through the world escape from the world,While foolish lovers forfeit their lives for nothing.”

“Well-matched, all say, the gold and the jade;I alone recall the pledge between plant and stone.

I sigh, learning that no man’s happiness is complete:

Even a pair thought well-matchedMay find disappointment.”


Lin Daiyu: Lin Daiyu was born of a family which was cultured as well as noble. Her father was LinRuhai who had come third in a previous Imperial Examination and recently been promoted to the censorate.

A native of Gusu, he had now been selected by the Emperor as a Commissioner of the Salt Inspectorate.

One of Lin Ruhai’s ancestors five generations earlier had been ennobled as a marquis. The rank had beenconferred for three generations; then, as the benevolence of the present gracious Emperor far exceeded thatof his noble predecessors, he had as a special favour extended it for one more generation, so that Lin Ruhai’sfather had inherited the title as well. He himself, however, had made his career through the examinations. LinDaiyu’s mother Jia Min was the daughter of Jia Daishan and Lady Dowager, i.e, nee Shi. Because Lin Daiyuhad no brothers and sisters, her parents loved her dearly. And because she was as intelligent as she waspretty, they decided to give her a good education to make up for their lack of a son and help them forget theirloss.


Unfortunately Lin Daiyu’s parents died of diseases one after another when she was quite young. She hadto go to her maternal grandmother’s home and be brought up there. She must watch her step in her new home,be on guard every moment and weigh every word, so as not to be laughed at for any foolish blunder. Shemanages to keep her self-respect in the midst of the grand and snobbish Jias, warding off slights and bullywith her candid and carping tongue.“You just said I should eat bird’s-nest.”Daiyu exclaimed with a sighto Baochai,“...but those below would be bound to think me too pernickety. Look how jealous these peopleare and how much gossip there is here because the old lady favours Baoyu and Xifeng. In my case, they’dresent it even more. After all, I’m not a daughter of the house, I’m here because I’ve nowhere else to go. Theyresent me enough as it is. If I should push myself forward, they’d all start cursing me.”“But I have nothing.

Yet all I eat, wear and use, down to the least blade of grass or sheet of paper, is the same as their own girls get.

Naturally those petty-minded people dislike me.”“As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, who pities thefaded red, the scent that has been ?”“Each year for three hundred and sixty-five days the cutting wind andbiting frost contend.”Under such circumstances, Lin Daiyu has become jealous and petty-minded, sick withlonging, always melancholy and moody.



Daiyu, who suffered from a bad cough around every spring and autumn solstice, had overtaxed herstrength this year by going out more than usual, because of the Lady Dowager’s good spirits, and had recentlystarted coughing again worse than ever. She therefore stayed in her own rooms to rest. But now Baoyu’spossession of a gold unicorn like Xiangyun’s might lead to a romance between them. So Daiyu slipped overto see what was happening and judge of their feelings for each other, arriving just as Xiangyun was speakingof worldly affairs, and in time to hear Baoyu answer,“Miss Lin never talks such disgusting nonsense. Ifshe did, I’d have stopped having anything to do with her.”This surprised and delighted Daiyu but alsodistressed and grieved her. She was delighted to know she had not misjudged him, for he had now proved justas understanding as she had always thought. Surprised that he had been so indiscreet as to acknowledge hispreference for her openly. Distressed because their mutual understanding ought to preclude all talk aboutgold matching jade, or she instead of Baochai should have the gold locket to match his jade amulet. Grievedbecause her parents had died, and although his preference was so clear there was no one to propose thematch for her. Besides, she had recently been suffering from dizzy spells which might be... Baoyu happenedto see Daiyu walking slowly ahead, apparently wiping her tears. He overtook her.“Where are you going,cousin?”he asked with a smile.“What, crying again? Who’s offended you this time?”Daiyu turned andsaw who it was.“I’m all right.”She gave a wan smile.“I wasn’t crying.”“Don’t fib—your eyes are stillwet.”He raised his hand instinctively to wipe away her tears. At once she recoiled a few steps.“Are youcrazy? Can’t you keep your hands to yourself?”“I did it without thinking.”Baoyu laughed.“I was deadto all around me.”“No one will care when you’re dead, but what about the gold locket and unicorn you’llhave to leave behind?”This remark made Baoyu frantic.“Don’t get so excited,”Daiyu begged.“Whywork yourself up over a slip of the tongue? The veins on your forehead are all swollen with anger, and whata sweat you’re in!”So saying, she too stepped forward without thinking and reached out her hand to wipehis perspiring face. Baoyu fixed his eyes on her. After a while he said gently,“you mustn’t worry”. Daiyugazed at him in silence,“Worry?”she repeated at last.“I don’t understand. What do you mean?”“Dearcousin, don’t tease.”Baoyu nodded and sighed.“If you really don’t understand, all my devotion’s beenwasted and even your feeling for me has been thrown away. You ruin your health by worrying so much. Ifyou’d take things less to heart, your illness wouldn’t be getting worse every day.”These words struck Daiyulike a thunderbolt. As she turned them over in her mind, they seemed closer to her innermost thoughts than ifwrung from her own heart. There were a thousand things she longed to say, yet she could not utter a word. Shejust stared at him in silence. As Baoyu was in similar case, he too stared at her without a word. So they stoodtransfixed for some time. Then Daiyu gave a choking cough and tears rolled down her cheeks. She was turningto hurry off without one look behind, while Baoyu just stood there like a man in a trance and declared,“Dearcousin, I never ventured before to bare my heart to you. Now that I’ve summoned up courage to speak, I’ll diecontent. I was making myself ill on account of you, but I dared not tell anyone and hid my feelings. I shall notrecover till you’re better too. I can’t forget you even in my dreams.”From here we can see how deeply Baoyuand Daiyu love each other.




The love between Baoyu and Daiyu is based on their mutual love and understanding, is a free and purelove without any concern for family status and interests; and it is also a constant and rebellious love, whichemphasizes feeling rather than feudal ethical codes, and even runs counter to feudal ethical codes. AlthoughBaoyu is a talented young man and Daiyu is a beauty, the love affair between Baoyu and Daiyu is differentfrom the way such matters are treated in the traditional genre of novels featuring talented young scholars andbeautiful girls. In the latter novels the heroes and heroines have their struggles to exert control over theirown lives, but their opposition is to the marriage conventions of the time, and not to the basic principlesof the feudal system. They mostly excel in the imperial examinations, and when they do so their familiesbecome reconciled to their unconventional choices of marriage partners, and in the end harmony reigns.

The love between Baoyu and Daiyu, on the other hand, represents a fundamental challenge to the interestsof the feudal family. Baoyu scorns fame and fortune, and refuses to pursue an official position through theimperial examination system, resolutely rebuffing all—even intimates like Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai—when they urge him to be ambitious. Of all the young ladies in the household, only Daiyu understandshim, sympathizing with his straightforward nature, and his loathing of hypocrisy, affectation and worldlycalculation. It’s just because Daiyu aids and abets Baoyu in his rebellion against feudal mores, leading himdown a path that may spell ruin for the family, the Lady Dowager, the matriarch of the Jia family, regardsher as completely unsuitable as a marriage partner for Baoyu. The Lady Dowager said,“Baoyu and Daiyuhave been inseparable since they were small, and I didn’t think it mattered as they were children. Sincethen, though, there’s been all this talk about her sudden illness and sudden recovery—just because they aregrowing up now. So I don’t think it proper to leave them together all the time.”“Daiyu is over-sensitive,and though that’s not a bad thing in a way it’s also the reason why I don’t want to marry her to Baoyu. Besides,she’s so delicate, I doubt whether she’s long for this world. The most suitable choice is Baochai.”Accordingto the old lady’s instructions mentioned above, Xifeng made an underhand plan and said,“the only wayis to‘palm off a dummy’on him.”That was the plan to fob off a different bride on Baoyu. The news ofBaoyu’s impending wedding to Baochai, a prospect which Daiyu had dreaded for years, had so enraged herthat she had lost her senses. She staggered and fell, vomiting blood. She just longed to die quickly. She madeup her mind to refuse to eat anything. When the Lady Dowager, Lady Wang and Xifeng went to see Daiyu,the old lady dubiously said,“It’s natural for young people who’ve played together as children to be partial toeach other; but now that they’re big enough to know the facts of life they should keep at a distance. That’s howa girl should behave if she wants me to love her. To get other ideas into her head would be most improper, andall my love for her would be thrown away.”“In a family like ours, of course there can’t be any carryings-on, but even thinking such thoughts is taboo! If that’s not the root of her illness, I’m willing to spend any sumto cure her. If it is, I doubt if it can be cured and I don’t care!”During Daiyu’s previous illness, everyonefrom the old lady herself down to the maids of her cousins had come to ask after her health. But now not onerelative or servant came, not even sending inquiries, and when she opened her eyes there was nobody butZijuan in the room. She knew there was not the least reason for her to live on. Therefore, Daiyu made up hermind to burn her poems to end her infatuation. It was in the very same hour in which Baoyu and Baochai weremarried that Daiyu breathed her last. Her last words were“Baoyu, Baoyu! How...”

黛玉生來體弱多病,但非常聰明漂亮,難怪熙鳳看到她便笑道:“天下真有這樣標致的人兒?我今日才算看見了!”在寶玉看來,黛玉“真是與眾各別”。“兩彎似蹙非蹙罥煙眉,一雙似喜非喜含情目……閑靜似嬌花照水,行動如弱柳扶風。心較比幹多一竅,病如西子勝三分。”林黛玉最突出的特點是弱不禁風,多愁善感。因此“林黛玉”現在已變成了凡有那兩個特點的人的代名詞。她的另一個特點是愛哭。她為什麼哭呢? 她為美麗而短暫的生命哭泣——“一朝春盡紅顏老,花落人亡兩不知。”她為自己的命苦哭泣——她父母雙亡,又無兄弟姐妹,孤苦伶仃,隻得寄居親戚家中。她為愛而哭泣——“一個是閬苑仙葩,一個是美玉無瑕。





Daiyu was born weak and often ill, but very intelligent and beautiful. No wonder Xifeng saw her andcried with a laugh,“This is the first time I’ve set eyes on such a ravishing beauty. Her whole air is sodistinguished!”In Baoyu’s eyes, Daiyu was“different from other girls.”“Her dusky arched eyebrowswere knitted and yet not frowning, her speaking eyes held both merriment and sorrow... In repose she was likea lovely flower mirrored in the water; in motion, a pliant willow swaying in the wind. She looked more sensitivethan Bi Gan, more delicate than Xi Shi.”Lin Daiyu’s most outstanding characteristics are oversensitive andso weak as to be unable to stand any breeze. Thus“LinDaiyu”has already been turned into a substitutename for all those who have the same characteristics now. Her another characteristic is that she often weeps.

What for? She weeps for her beautiful and short life—“The day that spring takes wing and beauty fades,who will care for the fallen blossom of dead maid?”She weeps for her ill-fate—her parents are dead andshe’s all on her own, with no brothers and sisters; so she has to put up in her grandmother’s house. She weepsfor love—“One is an immortal flower of fairyland,The other fair flawless jade,And were it not predestinedWhy should they meet again in this existence?

Yet, if predestined,Why does their love come to nothing?

One sighs to no purpose,The other yearns in vain;One is the moon reflected in the water,The other but a flower in the mirror.

How many tears can well from her eyes?

Can they flow on from autumn till winter,From spring till summer?”


Xue Baochai: Xue Baochai came of a scholarly JinLing family. She is a beautiful and intelligent girlof great natural refinement. While her father was still alive he made her study, and she turned out ten timesbetter than her elder brother. After their father’s death it was so clear that Xue Pan would prove no comfortto their mother that Baochai gave up her studies and devoted herself to needlework and the householdmanagement, so as to share her mother’s burden and cares. Recently, to honor culture, encourage proprietyand search out talent, in addition to selecting consorts and ladies-in-waiting the Emperor in his infinitegoodness had made the Board compile a list of the daughters of ministers and noted families from whom tochoose virtuous and gifted companions for the princesses in their studies. Thus Xue Baochai and her motherand elder brother came to stay in the Rong Mansion.


But now Baochai had suddenly appeared on the scene. Although only slightly older, she was such aproper young lady and so charming that most people considered Daiyu inferior to her. In the eyes of the world,of course, everyone has some merits. In the case of Daiyu and Baochai, one was lovely as a flower, the othergraceful as a willow, but each charming in her own way, according to her distinctive temperament. Besides,Baochai’s generous, tactful and accommodating ways contrasted strongly with Daiyu’s stand-offish reserveand won the hearts of her subordinates, so that nearly all the maids liked to chat with her. Because of this,Daiyu began to feel some twinges of jealousy. But of this Baochai was completely unaware. When Baoyu wentto see Baochai for the first time, she was sewing on the kang. Her glossy black hair was knotted on top of herhead. She was wearing a honey-coloured padded jacket... There was nothing ostentatious about her costume,which was none too new. Her lips needed no rouge, her blue-black eye-brows no brush; her face seemed asilver disk, her eyes almonds swimming in water. Some might think her reticence a cloak for stupidity; butcircumspect as she was she prided herself on her simplicity.


Xue Baochai is kind and amiable, generous and magnanimous. She’s really good natured and tolerant.

She is so popular in the Jia Mansions that nobody can help admiring her. Even her rival in love Lin Daiyuexclaimed with a sigh:“How good you always are to others! I’m so touchy that I used to suspect your motives.

I really began to appreciate you that day when you warned me against indiscriminate reading and gave mesuch good advice. I can see now I’d misjudged you all along ...No wonder Xiangyun speaks so highly of you. Iused to be sceptical when she sang your praises, but not after my own recent experience. For instance, whenyou said anything I always answered back, but instead of taking offence you offered me good advice. Thatshowed that I’d been wrong.”


Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu are equally charming physically and intellectually, and Baoyu was attractedto both of them at first. In fact, Baoyu once clung to Baochai, putting aside Daiyu. He gradually distanceshimself from Baochai, who has been urging him to adapt himself to the feudal mores and whose characteris the opposite of his, being inclined to the ways of feudal orthodoxy. Baochai thinks more of feudal ethicalcodes than of feelings; she involuntarily restrains her temperament and feelings and always behaves herselfaccording to the needs of the feudal ethical codes. He cleaves once more to his true soulmate Daiyu, becauseshe alone had never urged him to seek an official career or fame for himself. It’s also just because of thisthat the Jias determine to marry Baoyu off to Baochai who comes from a noble and very proper family and isgenerally regarded as the very person to steer Baoyu back onto the road of feudal rectitude, instead of Daiyuwhose staunch, defiant character matches that of Baoyu well.



The marriage between Baochai and Baoyu is not based on love, but on considerations of family interests.

As a girl in the feudal society, Baochai herself can not have scholarly honour or official rank by taking partin the imperial examinations. She has to do what her verse reads.“But lend me strength, good wind, to soarup to the azure sky at last.”That is to say, she has to rely on her husband and her ideal husband must be aman who is ambitious and tries his best to seek for fame and riches. But Baoyu detests the pursuit of rank andwealth and has a rebellious nature. How can they happily live on together? After their marriage, Baoyu cannot forget his sweetheart Daiyu and finally leaves the family home to be a Buddhist monk. Baochai is living awidowed life and the“perfect match”turns into a tragedy.“Alas for her wifely virtue, ...Buried in snow thebroken golden hairpin”.“Burned with anxiety both day and night, comsumed with anguish as time slipsaway.”

寶玉深愛黛玉卻被迫和寶釵結婚,因此作者把黛玉與寶釵放在一起寫,常常一個出現另一個就會出現,以便讀者能理解她們間的鮮明的對照。黛玉沒有兄弟姐妹,父母死得早,她與外婆表姐妹們永久住,因她沒有其他地方走,林家除她以外真沒一個人了。 但寶釵在榮府是暫住,以備選擇,為宮主郡主入學陪侍,充為人才讚善之職,並有母親和哥哥保護。


Baoyu loves Daiyu deeply but is married by force to Baochai. Thus the author puts Daiyu and Baochaitogether in writing, often one appears after another so that readers can see the striking contrasts betweenthem. Daiyu has no brothers or sisters and her mother and father died early. She stays with her grandmotherand uncle’s girls for ever because she has nowhere else to go. There is really no one left in the Lin familybesides Daiyu. But Baochai stays in the Rong Mansion for the time being for the selection of virtuous andgifted companions for the princesses in their studies under the protection of her mother and elder brother.

Furthermore, she has an uncle named Wang Ziteng who is the Commander-in-Chief of the MetropolitanGarrison. Her family is one of the most notable families in the Officials’ Protective Charm in Jia Yucun’spocket—“The Xues in their affluence are so rich and grand, gold is like iron to them and pearls likesand.”They are millionaires, in receipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the ImperialHousehold. Her elder brother, though a Court Purveyor, knows nothing of business or worldly affairs, onlyprevailed on his grandfather’s old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the Board of Revenue.

Baochai’s family has some houses and shops, such as a pound called Heng Shu on the main road west of theDrum Tower, etc. in the capital. Daiyu is born weak and often ill. She’s rather jealous and petty-minded,oversensitive and speaking candidly and carpingly. But Baochai is born of a good constitution and only onepill of Cold Fragrance Pills each time an attack comes on—the Monk diagnosed her trouble as a cholerichumour she’d brought from the womb. She’s so broad-minded and sweet-tempered, generous and tactful,just a wise girl looking stupid. What is more important, Daiyu is inflexibly seeking for a free and pure love,which conforms to neither the feudal ethical codes nor the interests of the feudal families nor the will of thefeudal patriarchy, and thinks that love is above all, including her life. Baochai is always doing her best to be avirtuous lady, who observes the three obediences (in ancient China a woman was required to obey her fatherbefore marriage life and her husband during married life and her sons in widowhood) and four virtues (fidelity,physical charm, propriety in speech and efficiency in needle work) and has finally become Madam Bao, sucha dutiful daughter-in-law.


Baochai’s life is permanently bound up with Baoyu’s by marriage while Daiyu’s life is closely relatedwith Baoyu’s by love. The love between Daiyu and Baoyu is strangled to death and ends in a heart-breakingtragedy, including the death of Daiyu and Baoyu’s decision to be tonsured to become a monk. The marriagebetween Baochai and Baoyu is well-matched by a plan to fob off a different bride on Baoyu. Although Baoyugets married to Baochai by force, he has little in common with her and finally decides to forsake her andtonsure himself to become a monk. Consequently, their marriage without love ends up tragically. That’s whythe lives of Baoyu, Daiyu and Baochai are reflected in the first song (except“Prologue to The Dream of RedMansions”) A Life Misspent of“the Dream of Red Mansions Songs”—well-matched, all say, the goldand the jade; I alone recall the pledge between plant and stone. Vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills I forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world. I sigh, learning that no man’s happiness iscomplete: Even a pair thought well-matched may find disappointment.


Shi Xiangyun: Shi Xiangyun is the Lady Dowager’s grandniece, of the Shi family and the niece of ShiDing, Marquis of Zhong Jing. She is still in her cradle when her parents die. Although living in luxury whowill dote on her?“Xiangyun is a nobody at home”. Baochai said,“To save expense, her people no longeremploy sewing-women but make practically everything they need themselves. That’s why, during her last fewvisits, she’s confided to me when nobody was about that she gets quite tired out at home. And when I askedabout their daily life, her eyes filled with tears and she made some evasive answer. So I gather she’s havinga hard time of it because she lost her parents so early on.”“Last time she did tell me she has to work tillmidnight at home, and if she does the least bit of work for other people the ladies of the house don’t like it.”


Xiangyun lives with her uncle Shi Ding but her aunt is not very kind to her. That’s why she always wantsto visit the Jia family. Whenever she leaves the Jias, her eyes are brimming with tears and beckons Baoyu toher side.“If the old lady forgets me,”she whispers,“do remind her to send someone to fetch me back.”Solong as Xiangyun returns to the Grand View Garden of the Jia family, just like a fish in water, she recoversher nature of being innocent and lively, frank and outspoken, free and easy, considerate and warmhearted.


Xiangyun has many cousins and friends, such as Baochai, Xiren, etc. in the Grand View Garden.

They are often having a good time there. Thus, when her uncle Shi Ding was transferred to a provincialgovernorship and would be taking his family to his new post in a few days and the Lady Dowager would notwant to part with Xiangyun and would keep her and have her fetched to their house, directing Xifeng to giveher a separate establishment, Xiangyun resolutely declined, and at her insistence they let her move in withBaochai instead. Xiangyun had stayed with the Jias for some periods of time and made good children-friendswith Baoyu and Xiren before Daiyu and Baochai came to stay in the Rong Mansion. Daiyu was much worriedabout the fact that Baoyu’s possession of a gold unicorn as Xiangyun’s might lead to a romance between them.

So she slipped over to see what was happening and judge of their feelings for each other, arriving just asXiangyun was speaking of“worldly affairs”, and in time to hear Baoyu answer,“Miss Lin never talks suchdisgusting nonsense. If she did, I’d have stopped having anything to do with her.”This has released Daiyufrom misunderstanding.


Xiangyun and Daiyu are placed in the same position—Their parents died early. They’re living with theLady Dowager (who is Xiangyun’s Grandaunt and Daiyuu’s Grandmother). Both of them are talented girls,young and beautiful, very good at writing poems. The poem written by them together“A stork’s shadow flitsacross the chilly pool (written by Xiangyun), the poet’s spirit is buried in cold moonlight”(matched by Daiyu)has become the reputed lines for myriad years, which people can never forget. But their attitudes towardstheir lives and their characteristics are quite different: Xiangyun’s attitude towards her life is optimisticand staunch while Daiyu’s is pessimistic and despondent. Xiangyun has a bright and cheerful disposition,is always natural and unrestrained, talkative and laughing, considerate and warmhearted, seeking for a lifethat“a real scholar can afford to be eccentric.”But Daiyu is born weak and often ill. She’s rather jealousand petty-minded, oversensitive and speaking candidly and carpingly. She’s been seeking for a free and purelove which is considered above everything, including her life.


Since Xiangyun’s husband was ill, she had visited only once after the old lady’s death; but she felt shemust attend the funeral which she reckoned would be held in two days’ time. In any case, her husband’sillness had proved to be consumption, so that he was in no immediate danger. She therefore came over the daybefore the wake, when she recalled the old lady’s goodness to her, then thought of her own wretched fate. Shehad only just married a talented, handsome husband with a cheerful disposition, but then he had contractedthis fatal illness which might any day carry him off. In distress she wept half the night. Baoyu, seeing this,grieved for her too but was in no position to comfort her. He noticed that in her white mourning, her face bareof rouge and powder, she looked even lovelier than before her marriage. As for her marriage, that was heruncle’s idea and all went well to start with, but now her husband’s died of consumption and she’s made up hermind never to marry again, poor thing.




The view that Xiangyun is widowed when she’s quite young has been confirmed by the line“Likethe goddess of frost who loves the cold”from her poem Song of white Begonia. Xiangyun is very goodat writing poems, just as Daiyu and Baochai do. It is said that she’s finally remarried to Jia Baoyu—CaoXueqin. It sounds quite reasonable. There are also some indications in the lines of her poems Facingthe Chrysanthemum and Displaying the Chrysanthemum. For Instance, in her poem Facing theChrysanthemum: the line“Brought from another plot, more precious than gold”indicates her remarriage.

In the lines“None, surely, in the world as proud as you; I alone, it seems, know your worth”, who’s so proudin the world! None other than Cao Xueqin! If it is Baoyu, i.e Cao Xueqin, whose bosom friend is naturallyXiangyun (since Daiyu’s been dead). It’s just the aged-lovers’ heartfelt wishes and expectations that“Weshould make the most of autumn, gone so soon, and facing you I treasure every moment.”In her poemDisplaying the Chrysanthemum: the line“Music and wine gladly accompany”indicates their happy life.

In the lines“Tossing my book aside I face a spray of autumn. Fresh dreams penetrate the curtain in clearfrost, sunset in chill garden recalls a former visit.”, who’s“tossing my book aside”? What are“freshdreams?”Where’s“a former visit?”In the way of our thinking, they indicate Cao Xueqin and A Dream ofRed Mansions. By writing A Dream of Red Mansions Cao Xueqin“recalls a former visit”—their formerlives (experience) and has“fresh dreams”—their new ideas and aspirations. The line“You too disdain theworld, for we share the same taste”indicates that Xueqin and Xiangyun“share the same taste”—both ofthem disdain the world!



Miaoyu: Miaoyu comes from a Suzhou family of scholars and officials. She was delicate as a child,and although they bought many substitute novices for her, it was no use—her health didn’t improve untilshe joined the Buddhist order herself. That’s how she became a lay sister. She’s eighteen this year and hername in religion is Miaoyu. Her parents are dead now and she only has two old nurses and one maid to lookafter her. She’s widely read and well-versed in the sutras, besides being very good-looking. She came to thecapital last year, having heard there were relics of Guanyin here and canons inscribed on pattra leaves. She’sbeen living in the Sakyamuni Convent outside the West Gate. Her tutor was an excellent diviner, but shepassed away last winter. Miaoyu had meant to escort the coffin back to her native place; but as her tutor laydying she told the girl not to go back home but to wait quietly where she was for something fortune had in storefor her. So she didn’t accompany the coffin back.“In that case, why not ask her here?”Lady Wang listenedto the report and asked.“She’d refuse,”objected Lin Zhixiao’s wife.“She’d be afraid of being looked downon in a noble household.“A young lady from an official family is bound to be rather proud,”agreed LadyWang.“Why not send her a written invitation?”Thus Miaoyu was invited to be Abbess of Green LatticeNunnery in Grand View Garden.




The Lady Dowager took Granny Liu to Green Lattice Nunnery. Miaoyu promptly ushered them intothe courtyard. Then she brought out in her own hands a carved lacquer tea-tray in the shape of crab-apple blossom, inlaid with a golden design of the“cloud dragon offering longevity.”On this was a coveredgilded polychrome bowl made in the Cheng Hua period, which she offered to the Lady Dowager, and saidsmilingly:“This is Patriarch’s Eyebrows.”“What water have you used?”asked the old lady.“Rain-water saved from last year.”replied Miaoyu smiling. The Lady Dowager drank half the bowl and passedthe rest with a twinkle to Granny Liu, urging her to taste the tea. The old woman drank it straight off. Havingserved tea, Miaoyu plucked at the lapels of Baochai’s and Daiyu’s clothes and they went out with her, followedsurreptitiously by Baoyu. Miaoyu invited them into a side room, while she herself fanned the stove and whenthe water boiled brewed some fresh tea. She was just looking for cups when an old nun came in bringingthe used bowls.“Don’t put away that Cheng Hua bowl,”cried Miaoyu hastily.“Leave it outside.”Baoyuknew that because Granny Liu had used it, she thought it too dirty to keep. Then he saw Miaoyu produce twoexcellent cups and fill them, one to Baochai, the other to Daiyu. She offered Baoyu the green jade beakerthat she normally drank from herself.“Is this made with last year’s rain-water too?”asked Daiyu. Miaoyusmiled disdainfully.“Can you really be so vulgar as not even to tell the difference? This is snow I gatheredfrom plum-blossom five years ago while staying in Curly Fragrance Nunnery on Mount Xuanmu. I managedto fill that whole dark blue porcelain pot, but it seemed too precious to use so I’ve kept it buried in the earthall these years, not opening it till this summer. Today is only the second time I’ve used it. Surely you cantaste the difference? How could last year’s rain-water be as light and pure as this?”Daiyu, knowing hereccentricity, did not like to say too much or stay too long. After finishing her tea she signalled to Baochai andthe two girls left, followed by Baoyu. As he was leaving he said with a smile to Miaoyu,“That bowl may havebeen contaminated, but surely it’s a pity to throw it away? I think you’d do better to give it to that poor woman,who’d make enough by selling it to keep her for some time. Don’t you agree?”After a little reflection Miaoyunodded.“All right,”she said.“It’s a good thing I’d never drunk out of it, or I’d have smashed it. But I can’tgive it to her myself. If you want to give it to her, I’ve no objection. Go ahead and take it.”“Of course,”hechuckled.“How could you speak to the likes of her? You’d be contaminating yourself. Just let me haveit.”Miaoyu sent for the bowl and had it handed to him. As he took it he said,“After we’ve gone, shall I senda few pages with some buckets of water from the stream to wash your floors?”“That’s a good idea.”Shesmiled.“Only make them leave the buckets by the wall outside the gate. They mustn’t come in.”“Ofcourse not.”He withdrew, the bowl in his sleeve, and entrusted it to one of his grandmother’s small maidswith the instruction,“Give this to Granny Liu to take home tomorrow.”By this time the Lady Dowager wasready to leave, and Miaoyu did not press her hard to stay but saw them out and closed the gate behind them.

Just as the song Spurned by the World reads:“She knows not that superiority fosters hatred, for the worlddespises too much purity.”



On Baoyu’s birthday Miaoyu sent an old servant with a greeting card to Baoyu who read:“Miaoyu, theone outside the threshold, sends respectful greetings on the young master’s birthday.”Bayou didn’t know howto word a reply matching that phrase“outside the threshold.”When he saw Xiuyan, he inquired:“Whereare you going, cousin?”“To have a chat with Miaoyu,”was the answer. In surprise he remarked,“She’s soaloof and unconventional that she looks down on everybody. If she thinks so highly of you, this shows you’renot vulgar like the rest of us.”“She may not really think highly of me,”replied Xiuyan with a smile,“butwe were next-door neighbours for ten years when she was practicing asceticism in Curly Fragrance Nunnery.

My family was poor, and we lived for ten years in a house rented from the nunnery; so I often went in to seeher when I was free, and she’s the one who taught me all the characters I know. Apart from being friends inpoverty, she was half my teacher too. After we had left the nunnery to join our relatives, I heard that becauseshe’d offended certain powerful people by her eccentric ways she had to come here for protection too. So asluck would have it we met again, and our old feeling for each other hadn’t changed—in fact she’s even kinderto me than before.”Much impressed by this account Baoyu said with delight,“Meeting you is a heaven-sent chance. You must tell me what to do.”Then he showed the card to Xiuyan.“She hasn’t changed in theleast,”observed Xiuyan with a smile.“She was born like this—headstrong and eccentric. I’ve never seenother people use appellations like this in greeting cards. Why, this, as the saying goes, is neither fish, fleshnor fowl! It doesn’t make sense.”“But you see she’s not one of us,”Baoyu put in.“She’s only sent me thisgreeting because she thinks I have some slight discernment.”Hearing this, Xiuyan said cheerfully,“As theproverb says,‘To know someone by repute is not as good as meeting face to face.’No wonder Miaoyu sentyou this greeting card; no wonder she gave you that plum-blossom last year. As even she shows you specialconsideration, I shall have to explain this to you.”She often says that the only good poetry written by theancients was the two lines: