摘 要 科裏奧利力可以應用在許多現象的解釋上,比如傅科擺、信風與季風、熱帶氣旋、地球自轉對分子光譜的影響等。但在大學物理課堂中,科裏奧利力的教學是一個難點,不容易說清其來由。數學語言以其精準嚴密而著稱,課堂教學中適當使用數學公式推導有時會產生意想不到的好效果。以科裏奧利力的產生為例,在課堂教學中使用數學推導,得到跟科裏奧利力相聯係的加速度,推導過程中清晰說明科裏奧利力的來源和物理意義。
關鍵詞 數學語言;科裏奧利力;大學物理
中圖分類號:G642.4 文獻標識碼:B
Abstract Coriolis force can be applied on many explanations, such as Foucault pendulum, trade winds monsoon, tropical cyclone, the influence of earth rotation to molecular spectroscopy, and so on. But, in the university physics class teaching, it is a difficult point out where the Coriolis force comes from. This makes the Coriolis force a difficulty to be clearly expressed in class. Mathematical language is famous for its accuracy. The appropriate use of mathematical formula and derivation in class teaching can sometimes produce unexpected good results. In this paper, we try to use mathematical formula and derivation in class in classroom teaching of the Coriolis force. During the derivation, we get the formula of the acceleration relative to the Coriolis force. This example also clearly shows the source and the physical meaning of the Coriolis force.
Key words mathematical language; Coriolis force; college physics