正文 英語經貿合同支付條款中表示“支付”意思的慣用詞組的理解與翻譯(1 / 3)



摘 要:英語合同支付條款的理解和翻譯是經貿合同翻譯的難點,尤其是一些常見的表示“支付”意思的慣用詞組。本文通過大量的例證論述了如何正確理解和準確翻譯這些詞組,這對漢語類似經貿合同支付條款句子的英譯大有裨益。





1. 引言

在英語經貿合同中,支付條款(Clause of Payment/Article of Payment)“指合同中有關買方支付貨款的各個條文”(劉敢生等,1995:7),是合同中至關重要的條款之一,它詳盡地規定了付款的方式、條件和時間等內容。英語合同支付條款中表示“支付”意思的慣用詞組尤其值得關注,例如:“available by、payment by、payable to、paid or payable、due to, in favor of/or the benefit of、for one’s account”等,因為它們不僅意思微妙,而且結構複雜,往往與一些介詞搭配使用而成為英語合同支付條款中的慣用法。正確理解這些英語合同支付條款中表示“支付”等慣用詞組的確切含義和使用場合,有助於準確地理解和翻譯英語中相關的合同條款,也有助於做好其他經貿合同條款的漢譯英,因為在漢譯英時也可采用“借用 (Borrowing)或回譯(Back translation)的方法(陳小慰,2001:41)。以下筆者將重點論述這些慣用詞組的含義、用法與翻譯策略。

2. 英語經貿合同支付條款中表示“支付”意思慣用詞組的理解與翻譯

2.1 available by(憑……付款,按……付款)

“available by”是由“available”的一般意思“可獲得的、可購得的、可找到的”(Wehmeier, 2004: 97)引申而來,常與介詞“by”連用,“by”在這裏的英語意思相當於“in accordance with”、“according to”或“as per”。該短語常用在經貿合同的信用證(A Letter of Credit)支付條款中。

例1 By Irrevocable Letter of Credit available by seller’s documentary draft at sight, to be valid for negotiation in China until 15 days after date of shipment. The L/C must reach the Seller 30 days before the contracted month of shipment.


“available by”用在“letter of credit”(信用證)條款中,常作“payable”或“to be paid”解,也可將此用法看作一種慣用法,習慣地將其譯作“憑……付款,按……付款”。請再看一例類似的用法。

例2 Payment shall be available by draft drawn under letter of Credit payable not longer than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days after presentation of documents to the negotiating bank of the L/C, together with an interest of 8.5% (eight and half percent) per annum for Buyer’s account.


2.2 payment by(由誰支付,憑……支付)和payment for(支付……貨物)

“payment by”也常用在英語合同信用證支付條款中,通常是由“payment may/shall be made/effected/borne by”省略而來。若“payment by”後接動作的執行者,則應理解和翻譯為“由某某人支付”;若後接付款方式,就應理解為“憑某某方式支付”的意思。

例3 Payment by a prime banker’s irrevocable, transferable letter of Credit confirmed by a first-class bank in the key currency country, covering full value of the contracted goods, in favor of the Seller, available by draft at sight for 100% invoice value, accompanied by the following documents.(武振山,1987: 52)


例4 The Engineer’s Representative shall have no authority to relieve the contractor of any of his duties or obligations under the contract nor, except as expressly provided hereunder or elsewhere in the contract, to order any work involving delay or any extra payment by the Employer, nor to make any variation of or in the works.


以上第3例中的“payment by”後引出支付工具,第4例中“payment by”後則引出動作的執行者“employer”。若“payment”一詞後接貨物,則應用“payment for”這一短語,如:“All payment for Machines sold to the Buyer shall be made by an irrevocable letter of credit.”(出售給買方的機器全部要以不可撤銷的信用證方式付款。)

2.3 payable to(支付給誰)和payable at(在何時支付)

以上兩個詞組都頻繁地使用在合同的支付條款之中。“payable to”應理解和翻譯為“應付給誰……款項”;而“payable at”則應理解和翻譯為“在某某時間支付”。請看以下例子:

例5 The contractor shall then be entitled to receive only such sum or sums, if any, as the engineer may certify would have been payable to him upon due completion by him after deducting the said amount. If such amount shall exceed the sum which would have been payable to the contractor on due completion by him, then the contractor shall, upon demand, pay to the Employer the amount of such excess and it shall be deemed a debt due by the contractor to the Employer and shall be coverable accordingly.