in the side walls of the vaults are niches where skeleton monks sit or stand, clad in the brown habits that they wore in life, and labelled with their names and the dates of their decease.their skulls (some quite bare, and others still covered with yellow skin, and hair that has known the earth-damps) look out from beneath their hoods, grinning hideously reverend father has his mouth wide open, as if he had died in the midst of a howl of terror and remorse, which perhaps is even now screeching through a general thing, however, these frocked and hooded skeletons seem to take a more cheerful view of their position, and try with ghastly smiles to turn it into a jest.but the cemetery of the capuchins is no place to nourish celestial hopes: the soul sinks forlorn and wretched under all this burden of dusty death; the holy earth from jerusalem, so imbued is it with mortality, has grown as barren of the flowers of paradise as it is of earthly weeds and grass.thank heaven for its blue sky; it needs a long, upward gaze to give us back our faith.not here can we feel ourselves immortal, where the very altars in these chapels of horrible consecration are heaps of human bones.

yet let us give the cemetery the praise that it deserves.there is no disagreeable scent, such as might have been expected from the decay of so many holy persons, in whatever odor of sanctity they may have taken their departure.the same number of living monks would not smell half sounexceptionably.