the sound of carriage wheels brought a troop of servants to the great gate, where st.aubert alighted, and from which he led emily into the gothic hall, now no longer hung with the arms and ancient banners of the family.these were displaced, and the oak wainscotting, and beams that crossed the roof, were painted white.the large table, too, that used to stretch along the upper end of the hall, where the master of the mansion loved to display his hospitality, and whence the peal of laughter, and the song of conviviality, had so often resounded, was now removed; even the benches that had surrounded the hall were no longer there.the heavy walls were hung with frivolous ornaments, and every thing that appeared denoted the false taste and corrupted sentiments of the present owner.
st.aubert followed a gay parisian servant to a parlour, where sat mons.and madame quesnel, who received him with a stately politeness, and, after a few formal words of condolement, seemed to have forgotten that they ever had a sister.
emily felt tears swell into her eyes, and then resentment checked, calm and deliberate, preserved his dignity without assuming importance, and quesnel was depressed by his presence without exactly knowing wherefore.