emily would have been amused by the new characters she saw, and the varied conversation that passed during dinner, which was served in a style of splendour she had seldom seen before, had her spirits been less oppressed.of the guests, signor montoni was lately come from italy, and he spoke of the commotions which at that period agitated the country; talked of party differences with warmth, and then lamented the probable consequences of the tumults.his friend spoke with equal ardour, of the politics of his country; praised the government and prosperity of venice, and boasted of its decided superiority over all the other italian states.he then turned to the ladies, and talked with the same eloquence, of parisian fashions, the french opera, and french manners; and on the latter subject he did not fail to mingle what is so particularly agreeable to french taste.
the flattery was not detected by those to whom it was addressed, though its effect, in producing submissive attention, did not escape his observation.when he could disengage himself from the assiduities of the other ladies, he sometimes addressed emily: but she knew nothing of parisian fashions, or parisian operas; and her modesty, simplicity, and correct manners formed a decided contrast to those of her female companions.
after dinner, st.aubert stole from the room to view once more the old chesnut which quesnel talked of cutting down.as he stood under its shade, and looked up among its branches, still luxuriant, and saw here and there the blue sky trembling between them; the pursuits and events of his early days crowded fast to his mind, with the figures and characters of friends--long since gone from the earth; and he now felt himself to be almost an insulated being, with nobody but his emily for his heart to turn to.