the scene before them bore some resemblance, though it was on a much grander scale, to a favourite one of the late madame st.aubert, within view of the fishing-house.they both observed this, and thought how delighted she would have been with the present landscape, while they knew that her eyes must never, never more open upon this remembered the last time of his visiting that spot in company with her, and also the mournfully presaging thoughts which had then arisen in his mind, and were now, even thus soon, realized!

the recollections subdued him, and he abruptly rose from his seat, and walked away to where no eye could observe his grief.

when he returned, his countenance had recovered its usual serenity;he took emily's hand, pressed it affectionately, without speaking, and soon after called to the muleteer, who sat at a little distance, concerning a road among the mountains towards rousillon.michael said, there were several that way, but he did not know how far they extended, or even whether they were passable; and st.aubert, who did not intend to travel after sun-set, asked what village they could reach about that time.the muleteer calculated that they could easily reach mateau, which was in their present road; but that, if they took a road that sloped more to the south, towards rousillon, there was a hamlet, which he thought they could gain before the evening shut in.

st.aubert, after some hesitation, determined to take the latter course, and michael, having finished his meal, and harnessed his mules, again set forward, but soon stopped; and st.aubert saw him doing homage to a cross, that stood on a rock impending over their way.having concluded his devotions, he smacked his whip in the air, and, in spite of the rough road, and the pain of his poor mules, which he had been lately lamenting, rattled, in a full gallop, along the edge of a precipice, which it made the eye dizzy to look down.

emily was terrified almost to fainting; and st.aubert, apprehending still greater danger from suddenly stopping the driver, was compelled to sit quietly, and trust his fate to the strength and discretion of the mules, who seemed to possess a greater portion of the latter quality than their master; for they carried the travellers safely into the valley, and there stopped upon the brink of the rivulet that watered it.