he concluded this eloquent harangue with protesting, that they should share with him, go where he would.
the dispute was at length settled by valancourt, who drew the hostess aside, and desired she would let the muleteer and his beasts have the place in question to themselves, while her sons should have the bed of skins designed for him, for that he would wrap himself in his cloak, and sleep on the bench by the cottage door.but this she thought it her duty to oppose, and she felt it to be her inclination to disappoint the muleteer.valancourt, however, was positive, and the tedious affair was at length settled.
it was late when st.aubert and emily retired to their rooms, and valancourt to his station at the door, which, at this mild season, he preferred to a close cabin and a bed of skins.st.aubert was somewhat surprised to find in his room volumes of homer, horace, and petrarch; but the name of valancourt, written in them, told him to whom they belonged.