the travellers passed an agreeable evening; but st.aubert was fatigued with his journey; and, as valancourt seemed again sensible of pain, they separated soon after supper.

in the morning st.aubert found that valancourt had passed a restless night; that he was feverish, and his wound very painful.the surgeon, when he dressed it, advised him to remain quietly at beaujeu; advice which was too reasonable to be, however, had no favourable opinion of this practitioner, and was anxious to commit valancourt into more skilful hands; but learning, upon enquiry, that there was no town within several leagues which seemed more likely to afford better advice, he ed the plan of his journey, and determined to await the recovery of valancourt, who, with somewhat more ceremony than sincerity, made many objections to this delay.

by order of his surgeon, valancourt did not go out of the house that day; but st.aubert and emily surveyed with delight the environs of the town, situated at the feet of the pyrenean alps, that rose, some in abrupt precipices, and others swelling with woods of cedar, fir, and cypress, which stretched nearly to their highest summits.the cheerful green of the beech and mountain-ash was sometimes seen, like a gleam of light, amidst the dark verdure of the forest; and sometimes a torrent poured its sparkling flood, high among the woods.