with these considerations, he had left venice; and, with others totally different, morano had, soon after, pursued his steps across the rugged apennines.when his arrival was announced at the castle, montoni did not believe, that he would have presumed to shew himself, unless he had meant to fulfil his engagement, and he, therefore, readily admitted him; but the enraged countenance and expressions of morano, as he entered the apartment, instantly undeceived him; and, when montoni had explained, in part, the motives of his abrupt departure from venice, the count still persisted in demanding emily, and reproaching montoni, without even naming the former stipulation.

montoni, at length, weary of the dispute, deferred the settling of it till the morrow, and morano retired with some hope, suggested by montoni's apparent indecision.when, however, in the silence of his own apartment, he began to consider the past conversation, the character of montoni, and some former instances of his duplicity, the hope, which he had admitted, vanished, and he determined not to neglect the present possibility of obtaining emily by other means.