my luck began to improve and i discovered him in his little flat in the rue de rivoli, where he had lived ever since and where he died five months after my visit.i was at first inclined to be suspicious;but when the persian had told me, with child-like candor, all that he knew about the ghost and had handed me the proofs of the ghost's existence--including the strange correspondence of christine daae--to do as i pleased with, i was no longer able to, the ghost was not a myth!
i have, i know, been told that this correspondence may have been forged from first to last by a man whose imagination had certainly been fed on the most seductive tales; but fortunately i discovered some of christine's writing outside the famous bundle of letters and, on a comparison between the two, all my doubts were removed.
i also went into the past history of the persian and found that he was an upright man, incapable of inventing a story that might have defeated the ends of justice.
this, moreover, was the opinion of the more serious people who, at one time or other, were mixed up in the chagny case, who were friends of the chagny family, to whom i ed all my documents and set forth all my this connection, i should like to print a few lines which i received from general d--:
i can not urge you too strongly to publish the results of your inquiry.
i remember perfectly that, a few weeks before the disappearance of that great singer, christine daae, and the tragedy which threw the whole of the faubourg saint-germain into mourning, there was a great deal of talk, in the foyer of the ballet, on the subject of the "ghost;" and i believe that it only ceased to be discussed in consequence of the later affair that excited us all so greatly.but, if it be possible--as, after hearing you, i believe--to explain the tragedy through the ghost, then ibeg you sir, to talk to us about the ghost again.