the corps de ballet was flung into first sight, this fiery head in no way corresponded with joseph buquet's description of the ghost.but the young ladies soon persuaded themselves that the ghost had several heads, which he changed about as he pleased.and, of course, they at once imagined that they were in the greatest danger.once a fireman did not hesitate to faint, leaders and front-row and back-row girls alike had plenty of excuses for the fright that made them quicken their pace when passing some dark corner or ill-lighted corridor.sorelli herself, on the day after the adventure of the fireman, placed a horseshoe on the table in front of the stage-door-keeper's box, which every one who entered the opera otherwise than as a spectator must touch before setting foot on the first tread of the staircase.
this horse-shoe was not invented by me--any more than any other part of this story, alas!--and may still be seen on the table in the passage outside the stage-door-keeper's box, when you enter the opera through the court known as the cour de l'administration.
to return to the evening in question.
"it's the ghost!" little jammes had cried.
an agonizing silence now reigned in the dressing-room.nothing was heard but the hard breathing of the last, jammes, flinging herself upon the farthest corner of the wall, with every mark of real terror on her face, whispered:
everybody seemed to hear a rustling outside the door.there was no sound of was like light silk sliding over the panel.
then it stopped.
sorelli tried to more pluck than the others.she went up to the door and, in a quavering voice, asked:
"who's there?"
but nobody answered.then feeling all eyes upon her, watching her last movement, she made an effort to courage, and said very loudly:
"is there any one behind the door?"