"good genius," on the angel of music of whom christine had spoken to him so strangely, on the death's head which he had seen in a sort of nightmare on the high altar at perros and also on the opera ghost, whose fame had come to his ears one evening when he was standing behind the scenes, within hearing of a group of scene-shifters who were repeating the ghastly description which the hanged man, joseph buquet, had given of the ghost before his mysterious death.
he asked in a low voice: "what makes you think that christine is fond of me, madame?""she used to speak of you every day."
"really?...and what did she tell you?"
"she told me that you had made her a proposal!"and the good old lady began laughing wholeheartedly.raoul sprang from his chair, flushing to the temples, suffering agonies.
"what's this? where are you going? sit down again at once, will you?...do you think i will let you go like that?...if you're angry with me for laughing, i beg your pardon...after all, what has happened isn't your fault...didn't you know?...did you think that christine was free?...""is christine engaged to be married?" the wretched raoul asked, in a choking voice.
"why no! why no!...you know as well as i do that christine couldn't marry, even if she wanted to!
"but i don't know anything about it!...and why can't christine marry?""because of the angel of music, of course!...""i don't follow..."