第43章 Apollos Lyre (7)(1 / 2)

presently i heard the sound of the organ; and then i began to understand erik's contemptuous phrase when he spoke about opera music.

what i now heard was utterly different from what i had heard up to then.

his don juan triumphant (for i had not a doubt but that he had rushed to his masterpiece to forget the horror of the moment) seemed to me at first one long, awful, magnificent sob.but, little by little, it expressed every emotion, every suffering of which mankind is capable.

it intoxicated me; and i opened the door that separated us.

erik rose, as i entered, but dared not turn in my direction.

`erik,' i cried, ` me your face without fear! i swear that you are the most unhappy and sublime of men; and, if ever again i shiver when i look at you, it will be because i am thinking of the splendor of your genius!' then erik turned round, for he believed me, and ialso had faith in myself.he fell at my feet, with words of love...

with words of love in his dead mouth...and the music had ceased...

he kissed the hem of my dress and did not see that i closed my eyes.

"what more can i tell you, dear? you now know the tragedy.

it went on for a fortnight--a fortnight during which i lied to him.

my lies were as hideous as the monster who inspired them;but they were the price of my liberty.i burned his mask;and i managed so well that, even when he was not singing, he tried to catch my eye, like a dog sitting by its master.

he was my faithful slave and paid me endless little attentions.

gradually, i gave him such confidence that he ventured to take me walking on the banks of the lake and to row me in the boat on its leaden waters; toward the end of my captivity he let me out through the gates that closed the underground passages in the rue scribe.

here a carriage awaited us and took us to the bois.the night when we met you was nearly fatal to me, for he is terribly jealous of you and i had to tell him that you were soon going away....then, at last, after a fortnight of that horrible captivity, during which iwas filled with pity, enthusiasm, despair and horror by turns, he believed me when i said, `i will come back!'""and you went back, christine," groaned raoul.