第85章 The End of the Ghosts Love Story (3)(1 / 3)

...nor any other woman...ever, ever!...ah, you can understand, my happiness was so great, i cried.and i fell at her feet, crying...and i kissedher feet...her little feet...crying.you're crying, too, daroga...and she cried also...the angel cried!..." erik sobbed aloud and the persian himself could not retain his tears in the presence of that masked man, who, with his shoulders shaking and his hands clutched at his chest, was moaning with pain and love by turns.

"yes, daroga...i felt her tears flow on my forehead...on mine, mine!...they were soft...they were sweet!...they trickled under my mask...they mingled with my tears in my eyes...yes...they flowed between my lips....listen, daroga, listen to what i did....i tore off my mask so as not to lose one of her tears...and she did not run away!...and she did not die!...

she remained alive, weeping over me, with me.we cried together!

i have tasted all the happiness the world can offer!"and erik fell into a chair, choking for breath:

"ah, i am not going to die yet...presently i shall...but let me cry!...listen, daroga...listen to this....while i was at her feet...i heard her say, `poor, unhappy erik!'

...and she took my hand!...i had become no more, you know, than a poor dog ready to die for her....i mean it, daroga!...

i held in my hand a ring, a plain gold ring which i had given her...which she had lost...and which i had found again...

a wedding-ring, you know....i slipped it into her little hand and said, `there!...take it!...take it for you...and him!

...it shall be my wedding-present a present from your poor, unhappy erik.....i know you love the boy...don't cry any more!

...she asked me, in a very soft voice, what i meant....

then i made her understand that, where she was concerned, i was only a poor dog, ready to die for her...but that she could marry the young man when she pleased, because she had cried with me and mingled her tears with mine!..."erik's emotion was so great that he had to tell the persian not to look at him, for he was choking and must take off his mask.