[摘要] 肋柱花、扁蕾和尖葉假龍膽分別為龍膽科肋柱花屬、扁蕾屬和假龍膽屬植物,三者均可作為地格達類蒙藥廣泛用於肝膽等疾病的治療,臨床效果顯著。該文采用高效液相色譜法對內蒙古地區3種蒙藥材中獐牙菜苦苷和當藥黃素進行初步比較研究,旨在為臨床安全用藥提供科學依據。文中所采用色譜柱為Phenomenex C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),流動相為甲醇(A)和水(B)梯度洗脫,流速1.5 mL·min-1,柱溫25 ℃,檢測波長237 nm。結果顯示3種蒙藥中均含有獐牙菜苦苷和當藥黃素,其含量與植物種類和產地關係密切。不同產地肋柱花中獐牙菜苦苷質量分數為1.73% ~ 2.72%,當藥黃素質量分數為0.43% ~ 0.96%;阿拉善左旗產扁蕾中獐牙菜苦苷的質量分數為0.38%;其他產地扁蕾及尖葉假龍膽中獐牙菜苦苷和當藥黃素均為定性檢出。因此,從肋柱花等3種蒙藥中獐牙菜苦苷、當藥黃素的初步測定結果分析,三者化學成分因種類和產地不同而差異較大,臨床用藥需按疾病種類不同仔細斟酌,不宜盲目混用。
[關鍵詞] 肋柱花;扁蕾;尖葉假龍膽;獐牙菜苦苷;當藥黃素
[Abstract] Lomatogonium rotatum (L.) Fries,Gentianopsis barbata (Froel) Ma,and Gentianella acuta (Michx.) Hulten,the three kinds of Digeda-species Mongolian medicinal materials belonging to the family Gentianaceae,had been widely used for the treatment of liver diseases. To analyze comparatively the content of swertiamarin and swertisin among these three kinds of Digeda-species Mongolian medicinal materials. HPLC method was applied for qualitative and quantitative analysis of swertiamarin and swertisin. The Phenomenex C18 (4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm) was used,chromatographic methanol and water as mobile phase,the flow rate was 1.5 mL·min-1 with UV detected at 237 nm,column oven temperature was 25 ℃. Results showed that the contents of swertiamarin and swertisin were closely related the different species and producing areas. The content range of swertiamarin in L. rotatum from different habitats was 1.73%-2.72%,0.43%-0.96% for the swertisin content; the content of swertiamarin in G. barbata from Alxa Left Banner was 0.38%,and the content of swertiamarin and swertisin in G. barbata from the others habitats and G. Acuta from different habitats were all detected qualitatively. The contents of swertiamarin and swertisin among these medicinal plants showed a significant difference due to the different species and producing areas. As a consequence,these medicinal plants should _disibledevent=0.999 6)。結果表明,獐牙菜苦苷、當藥黃素分別在0.27~5.40,0.16~3.30 μg線性關係良好。