化合物 12 白色粉末(甲醇),mp 67.0~68.1 ℃,易溶於氯仿,能溶於丙酮、乙酸乙酯,微溶於甲醇,不溶於水。ESI,MS m/z 359.3[M+H]+。1H,NMR(CDCl3,500 MHz) δ:4.21(1H, dd, J=11.7, 4.6 Hz, H,1a′), 4.15(1H, dd, J=11.7, 6.1 Hz, H,1b′), 3.93(1H, m, H,2′), 3.70(1H, d, J=8.9 Hz, H,3a′), 3.60(1H, dd, J=11.1, 5.5 Hz, H,3b′), 2.36(2H, t, J=5.1 Hz, H,2), 1.63(2H,m, H,3), 1.20~1.24(28H, m, H,4~17),0.88(3H, t, J=6.9 Hz, H,18);13C,NMR(CDCl3, 125 MHz) δ:174.3(C,1), 70.3(C,2′), 65.2(C,3′), 63.4(C,1′), 34.2(C,2), 31.9(C,16), 29.7~29.1(C,4~15), 24.9(C,3), 22.7(C,17), 14.1(C,18)。以上數據與文獻[19,20]報道的數據一致, 故化合物 12鑒定為棕櫚酸,α,甘油酯。
化合物 13 白色粉末(甲醇),mp 68.8~68.1 ℃,易溶於氯仿,能溶於丙酮、乙酸乙酯,微溶於甲醇,不溶於水。1H,NMR(CDCl3, 500 MHz) δ:4.18(2H, dd, J=11.4, 4.4 Hz, H,1′a, 3′a), 4.13(2H, dd, J=11.5, 8.5 Hz, H,1′b, 3′b), 4.08(1H, m, H,2′), 2.39(1H, m, 2′,OH), 2.34(4H, t, J=7.5 Hz, H,2, 2″), 1.63(4H, m, H,3, 3″), 0.88(6H, t, J=6.9 Hz, H,16, 16″);13C,NMR(CDCl3, 125 MHz) δ:173.9(C,1, 1″), 68.5(C,2′), 65.1(C,1′, 3′), 34.1(C,2, 2″), 31.9(C,14, 14″), 29.7~29.1(C,4~13,4″~13″), 24.9(C,3,3″), 22.7(C,15, 15″), 14.1(C,16, 16″)。以上數據與文獻[21]報道的數據一致, 故化合物 13鑒定為棕櫚酸,α, α′,甘油二酯。
化合物 14 無色針狀結晶(甲醇),mp 95~97 ℃,微甜,易溶於水、熱的甲醇,難溶於低極性有機溶劑。噴香草醛濃硫酸顯色劑需較長時間加熱顯淡紅色。ESI,MS m/z 183 [M+H]+,181 [M-H]-;與甘露醇對照品在HPTLC中的位移及顯色行為一致,故鑒定化合物 14為甘露醇。
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Chemical constituents from ethyl acetate extract of Shiaria bambusicola
YIN Zhi,qi1*, CHEN Zhan,li1,2, ZHANG Jian YE Wen,cai1,3, ZHAO Shou,xun1
(1. Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry, China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing , China;
2. Laboratory of Translational Medicine, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing , China;
3. Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Natural Products & Guangdong Province Key Laboratory of Pharmacodynamic
Constituents of Traditional Chinese Medicine and New Drugs Research, College of Pharmacy,
Jinan University, Guangzhou , China)
[Abstract] Fourteen compounds were isolated and purified from the ethyl acetate of the ethanol extract of Shiaria bambusicola by various chromatographic methods, and their structures were elucidated by spectral techniques and physicochemical properties as hypocrellin A( 1), hypocrellin B( 2), hypocrellin C( 3), hypomycin A( 4), ergosterol( 5), ergosterol peroxide( 6),(22E, 24R),5α,8α,epidioxy,6,9(11),22,trien,3β,ol( 7), ergosta,7, 24(28),dien,3β,ol( 8),(22E, 24R),ergost,7, 22,dien,3β, 5α, 6β,triol( 9),(22E,24R),ergosta, 7, 22,diene,3β, 5α, 6β,triol,3,O,palmitate( 10),(22E, 24R),ergosta,7, 22,diene,3β, 5α, 6β,triol,6,O,palmitate( 11), 1,O,monostearin( 12), 1, 3,O,distearin( 13), and mannitol( 14). Among them, compounds 7,13 were firstly isolated from this genus.
[Key words] Shiaria bambusicola; chemical constituents; structural identification