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Randomized controlled study of integrated treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine on AIDS with pulmonary inflammation patients CEN Yu-wen1, TAN Xing-hua1, ZHANG Jian-sheng1, ZHOU Gui-qin2, WAN Gang2,
XU Li-ran3, QU Bing4 , SUN Li-jun5, MENG Zhi-hao6, CHEN Zhi-hai2*
(1.Guangzhou _disibledevent=53),while incidence of TCM symptoms in different time points in two groups were analyzed. Result: Twenty eight days after treatment,the cured and markedly effective rate of TCM symptoms in the TCM-WM group significantly exceeding that in the western medicine treatment group(cured and markedly effective rate significant efficiency 44.55% vs 20.00%),while the incidence rate for the TCM symptoms of fever and headache in the TCM-WM group was significantly lower than that in western medicine group. Conclusion: The integrated treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine helps to alleviate the TCM clinical symptoms of AIDS with pulmonary inflammation.
[Key words] AIDS; pulmonary inflammation; integrated therapy of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine
[責任編輯 陳玲]