正文 艾滋病免疫重建幹預方法的研究進展(3 / 3)

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Research progress in immune reconstruction of AIDS induced by

modern medical intervention

LIU Zhen, LIU Ming, LI Yong, WANG Jie*

(Guang′anmen Hospital, China Acaclemy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing , China)

[Abstract] Immune reconstruction in the treatment of AIDS has became one of hot topics in the field of aids research over the world. In this paper, the interventions of immune reconstitution were sumarized, but because of the clinical efficacy of these interventions still need to be verified and better solutions of their side effects also need to be found, clinical application of these interventions are still in process.

[Key words] AIDS; immune reconstruction; medical intervention


[責任編輯 陳玲]