

作者:by anonymous

Wait a Minute

The man: God, how long is a million years?

God: To me, it’s about a minute.

The man: God, how much is a million dollars?

God: To me, it’s a penny[便士].

The man: God, may I have a penny?

God: Wait a minute.

Worse News

A doctor says to his patient, “I have some bad news and some worse news”.

“Oh dear, what’s the bad news?” the patient asks.

The doctor replies[回答], “You only have 24 hours to live.”

“That’s terrible,” said the patient. “How can the other news possibly be worse?”

The doctor replies, “I’ve been trying to contact[聯係] you since yesterday.”

One Dollar

Teacher: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?

Vincent: One dollar.

Teacher: You don’t know your arithmetic[算術].

Vincent: You don’t know my father.