第94章(3 / 3)

When it was the Eight Hundred and Fifty-ninth Night; She continued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that the Kazis said to Zayn al-Mawasif,'O admirable of attributes and singular among beauties! Be not thy heart other than hearty for our doing thy desire and thy winning to thy will.'So she called down blessings on them and farewelled them and went her ways,the while her husband abode with his friends at the marriage-banquet and knew naught of her doings.Then she proceeded to beseech the notaries and scribes and the notables and the Chiefs of Police to succour her against that unbelieving miscreant and deliver her from the torment she suffered from him.Then she wept with sore weeping and improvised these couplets;'Rain showers of torrent tears,O Eyne and see * An they will quench the fires that flame in me:

After my robes of gold-embroidered silk * I wake to wear the frieze of monkery:

And all my raiment reeks of sulphur-fumes * When erst my shift shed musky fragrancy: