stay or delay and taking out of her bundle a budget of Taifi leather,[474] opened it and drew forth a pair of knitting needles,wherewith she fell to work and stinted not till she had made a beautiful zone,which she folded up in a wrapper after cleaning it and ironing it,and laid it under her pillow.Then she doffed her dress till she was mother-naked and lying down beside Nur al-Din shampoo'd him till he awoke from his heavy sleep.He found by his side a maiden like virgin silver,softer than silk and delicater than a tail of fatted sheep,than standard more conspicuous and goodlier than the red camel,[475] in height five feet tall with breasts firm and full,brows like bended bows,eyes like gazelles' eyes and cheeks like blood-red anemones,a slender waist with dimples laced and a navel holding an ounce of the unguent benzoin,thighs like bolsters stuffed with ostrich-down,and between them what the tongue fails to set forth and at mention whereof the tears jet forth.Brief it was as it were she to whom the poet alluded in these two couplets;'From her hair is Night,from her forehead Noon * From her side-face Rose;from her lip wine boon:
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