第111章(3 / 3)

From her Union Heaven,her Severance Hell: * Pearls from her teeth;from her front full Moon.'

And how excellent is the saying of another bard,[476]

'A Moon she rises,Willow-wand she waves * Breathes ambergris and gazeth a gazelle.

Meseems that sorrow wooes my heart and wins * And when she wends makes haste therein to dwell.

Her face is fairer than the Stars of Wealth[477] * And sheeny brows the crescent Moon excel.'

And quoth a third also;'They shine fullest Moons,unveil Crescent-bright;*

Sway tenderest Branches and turn wild kine;

'Mid which is a Dark-eyed for love of whose charms *

The Sailors[478] would joy to be ground low-li'en.'