第113章(1 / 3)

And the damsel ceased not to carouse with her lord and ply him with cup and bowl and require him to fill for her and give her to drink of that which sweeteneth the spirits,and whenever he put forth hand to her,she drew back from him,out of coquetry.The wine added to her beauty and loveliness,and Nur al-Din recited these two couplets;'Slim-waist craved wine from her companeer;* Cried (in meeting of friends when he feared for his fere,)

'An thou pass not the wine thou shalt pass the night,* A-banisht my bed!' And he felt sore fear.'

They ceased not drinking till drunkenness overpowered Nur al-Din and he slept;whereupon she rose forthright and fell to work upon a zone,as was her wont.When she had wrought it to end,she wrapped it in paper and doffing her clothes,lay down by his side and enjoyed dalliance and delight till morn appeared.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Eight Hundred and Seventy-sixth Night; She continued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Miriam the Girdle-girl,having finished her zone and wrapped it in paper doffed her dress and lay down by the side of her lord;and then happened to them what happened of dalliance and delight;and he did his devoir like a man.On the morrow,she gave him the girdle and said to him,'Carry this to the market and sell it for twenty dinars,even as thou soldest its fellow yesterday.'So he went to the bazar and sold the girdle for twenty dinars,after which he repaired to the druggist and paid him back the eighty dirhams;thanking him for the bounties and calling down blessings upon him.He asked,'O my son,hast thou sold the damsel?';and Nur al-Din answered,'Wouldst thou have me sell the soul out of my body?'and he told him all that had passed,from commencement to conclusion,whereat the druggist joyed with joy galore,than which could be no more and said to him,'By Allah,O my son,thou gladdenest me! Inshallah,mayst thou ever be in prosperity!