Indeed I wish thee well by reason of my affection for thy ather and the continuance of my friendship with him.'Then Nur al-Din left the Shaykh and straightway going to the market,bought meat and fruit and wine and all that he needed according to his custom and returned therewith to Miriam.They abode thus a whole year in eating and drinking and mirth and merriment and love and good comradeship,and every night she made a zone and he sold it on the morrow for twenty dinars,wherewith he bought their needs and gave the rest to her,to keep against a time of necessity.After the twelvemonth she said to him one day,'O my lord,whenas thou sellest the girdle to-morrow,buy for me with its price silk of six colours,because I am minded to make thee a kerchief to wear on thy shoulders,such as never son of merchant,no,nor King's son,ever rejoiced in its like.'So next day he fared forth to the bazar and after selling the zone brought her the dyed silks she sought and Miriam the Girdle-girl wrought at the kerchief a whole week,for,every night,when she had made an end of the zone,she would work awhile at the kerchief till it was finished.
Then she gave it to Nur al-Din,who put it on his shoulders and went out to walk in the market-place,whilst all the merchants and folk and notables of the town crowded about him,to gaze on his beauty and that of the kerchief which was of the most beautiful.Now it chanced that one night,after this,he awoke from sleep and found Miriam weeping passing sore and reciting these couplets;'Nears my parting fro' my love,nigher draws the Severance-day *
Ah well-away for parting! and again ah well-away!
And in tway is torn my heart and O pine I'm doomed to bear * For the nights that erst witnessed our pleasurable play!