Whereupon he wept with sore weeping and groaned and lamented and recited these couplets,[494]
'When e'er the Lord'gainst any man;Would fulminate some harsh decree;And he be wise,and skilled to hear;And used to see;
He stops his ears,and blinds his heart;And from his brain ill judgment tears;And makes it bald as'twere a scalp;Reft of its hairs;[495]
Until the time when the whole man Be pierced by this divine command;
Then He restores him intellect To understand.'
Then Nur al-Din began to excuse himself to his handmaid,saying;'By Allah,O my lady Miriam,verily runneth the Reed with whatso Allah hath decreed.The folk put a cheat on me to make me sell thee,and I fell into the snare and sold thee.Indeed,I have sorely failed of my duty to thee;but haply He who decreed our disunion will vouchsafe us reunion.'Quoth she,'I warned thee against this,for this it was I dreaded.'Then she strained him to her bosom and kissed him between the eyes,reciting these couplets;'Now,by your love! your love I'll ne'er forget,* Though lost my life for stress of pine and fret: