第116章(1 / 3)

But,O my lady,belike there be a company come from his parents at Cairo and he hath made them an entertainment in the lodging where they alighted,being ashamed to bring them hither,for that the place is not spacious enough for them or because their condition is less than that he should bring them to his own house;or belike he preferred to conceal thine affair from them,so passed the night with them;and Inshallah! to-morrow he will come to thee safe and sound.So burden not thy soul with cark and care,O my lady,for of a certainty this is the cause of his absence from thee last night and I will abide with thee this coming night and comfort thee;until thy lord return to thee.'So the druggist's wife abode with her and cheered her with talk throughout the dark hours and,when it was morning,Miriam saw her lord enter the street followed by the Frank and amiddlemost a company of merchants,at which sight her side-muscles quivered and her colour changed and she fell a-shaking,as ship shaketh in mid-ocean for the violence of the gale.When the druggist's wife saw this,she said to her,'O my lady Miriam what aileth thee that I see thy case changed and thy face grown pale and show disfeatured?'Replied she,'By Allah,O

my lady,my heart forebodeth me of parting and severance of union!'And she bemoaned herself with the saddest sighs,reciting these couplets,[493]'Incline not to parting,I pray;* For bitter its savour is aye.

E'en the sun at his setting turns pale * To think he must part from the day;

And so,at his rising,for joy * Of reunion,he's radiant and gay.'

Then Miriam wept passing sore wherethan naught could be more;making sure of separation,and cried to the druggist's wife,'O my mother,said I not to thee that my lord Nur al-Din had been tricked into selling me? I doubt not but he hath sold me this night to yonder Frank,albeit I bade him beware of him;but deliberation availeth not against destiny.So the truth of my words is made manifest to thee.'Whilst they were talking;behold,in came Nur al-Din,and the damsel looked at him and saw that his colour was changed and that he trembled and there appeared on his face signs of grief and repentance: so she said to him,'O my lord Nur al-Din,meseemeth thou hast sold me.'