and now I have spent nigh a year and a half in seeking thee.'And he fell to kissing her hands and feet and humbling himself to her;but the more he kissed and grovelled she only redoubled in wrath against him,and said to him,'O accursed,may Almighty Allah not vouchsafe thee to win thy wish!'Presently his pages brought her a shemule with gold-embroidered housings and mounting her thereon,raised over her head a silken canopy,with staves of gold and silver,and the Franks walked round about her,till they brought her forth the city by the sea-gate,[504] where they took boat with her and rowing out to a great ship in harbor embarked therein.Then the monocular Wazir cried out to the sailors,saying,'Up with the mast!'So they set it up forthright and spreading the newly bent sails and the colours manned the sweeps and put out to sea.Meanwhile Miriam continued to gaze upon Alexandria,till it disappeared from her eyes,when she fell a-weeping in her privacy with sore weeping.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was the Eight Hundred and Eightieth Night; She continued,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when the Wazir of the Frankish King put out to sea in the ship bearing Miriam the Girdle-girl,she gazed Alexandria-wards till the city was hidden from her sight when she wailed and wept copious tears and recited these couplets;'O dwelling of my friends say is there no return * Uswards? But what ken I of matters Allah made?
Still fare the ships of Severance,sailing hastily * And in my wounded eyelids tear have ta'en their stead;For parting from a friend who was my wish and will * Healed every ill and every pain and pang allay'd.
Be thou,O Allah,substitute of me for him * Such charge some day the care of Thee shall not evade.'
Then she could not refrain from weeping and wailing.So the patrician[505] knights came up to her and would have comforted her,but she heeded not their consoling words,being distracted by the claims of passion and love-longing.And she shed tears and moaned and complained and recited these couplets;'The tongue of Love within my vitals speaketh * Saying,'This lover boon of Love aye seeketh!'