And burn my liver hottest coals of passion * And parting on my heart sore suffering wreaketh.
How shall I face this fiery love concealing * When fro' my wounded lids the tear aye leaketh?
In this plight Miriam abode during all the voyage;no peace was left her at all nor would patience come at her call.Such was her case in company with the Wazir,the monocular,the lameter;but as regards Nur al-Din the Cairene,when the ship had sailed with Miriam,the world was straitened upon him and he had neither peace nor patience.He returned to the lodging where they twain had dwelt,and its aspect was black and gloomy in his sight.Then he saw the metier wherewith she had been wont to make the zones and her dress that had been upon her beauteous body;so he pressed them to his breast,whilst the tears gushed from his eyes and he recited these couplets;'Say me,will Union after parting e'er return to be * After long-lasting torments,after hopeless misery?
Alas! Alas! what wont to be shall never more return * But grant me still return of dearest her these eyne may see.
I wonder me will Allah deign our parted lives unite * And will my dear one's plighted troth preserve with constancy!
Naught am I save the prey of death since parting parted us;* And will my friends consent that I am a wierd so deadly dree?
Alas my sorrow! Sorrowing the lover scant avails;* Indeed I melt away in grief and passion's ecstasy:
Past is the time of my delight when were we two conjoined: *
Would Heaven I wot if Destiny mine esperance will degree!
Redouble then,O Heart,thy pains and,O mine eyes,o'erflow *
With tears till not a tear remain within these eyne of me?
Again alas for loved ones lost and loss of patience eke! * For helpers fail me and my griefs are grown beyond decree.
The Lord of Threefold Worlds I pray He deign to me return * My lover and we meet as wont in joy and jubilee.'