【23】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.41.
【24】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.44.
【25】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.44.
【26】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.44.
【27】Hayden White."Interpretation in History,the Tropics of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.79.
【28】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.42.
【29】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,pp.43-44.
【30】Hayden White."Commentary:‘With no Particular to go’:Literary History in the Age of Global Picture",New Literary History,Vol.39,2008,p.735.
【35】Hayden White."The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory",The Content of the FormNarrative Discourse and Historical Representation.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1990,p.29.
【36】Hayden White."The Burden of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.48.
【37】Hayden White."Interpretation in History,the Tropics of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.51.
【38】Hayden White."Interpretation in History,the Tropics of History",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.51.
【41】Droysen.Grundriss der Historik,translated by E.B.Andrew.Boston,1893,p.26.
【43】Hayden White."The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory",The Content of the FormNarrative Discourse and Historical Representation.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1990,p.51.
【45】Hayden White."The Question of Narrative in Contemporary Historical Theory",The Content of the FormNarrative Discourse and Historical Representation.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1990,p.52.
【47】Paul Ricoeur."Narrative Time",Critical Inquiry,Vol.7,1980,pp.183-184.
【53】Hayden White."Historicism,History,and the Figurative Imagination",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.101.
【54】Hayden White."Historicism,History,and the Figurative Imagination",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.118.
【61】Hayden White."Historicism,History,and the Figurative Imagination",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.118.
【62】Hayden White."Historicism,History,and the Figurative Imagination",Tropics of Discourse.The Johns Hopkins University Press,Baltimore and London,1978,p.119.