look at the young man dressed all in black, of medium height and slim

build, who made up for his lack of bulging muscle with a supple and

deadly grace. This was enhanced by the gift of somehow dominating all

the space around him, so that he effortlessly became the focal point of

any picture—the way a black panther might become the focal point if it

were walking lazily down a crowded city street.

Even here, where menace and an aspect of outright evil were

commonplace, this young man exuded a quality of danger that made

people want to stay out of his line of sight, much less his way.

Meanwhile Elena and both Meredith and Bonnie were looking

around for some sort of medical assistance, or even for something clean

that would staunch wounds. After about a minute, they realized that it

wasn’t just going to appear, so Elena appealed to the crowd.

“Does anyone know a doctor? A healer?” she shouted. The

audience merely watched her. They seemed loath to get involved with a

girl who had obviously defied the black-clad demon now wringing the

slave owner’s neck.

“So you all think it’s just fine,” Elena shouted, hearing the loss of

control, the disgust and fury in her own voice, “for a bastard like that to

be whipping a starving pregnant woman?”

There were a few downcast eyes, a few scattered replies on the