theme of “He was her master, wasn’t he?” But one youngish man who

had been leaning against a stopped wagon, straightened up. “Pregnant?”

he repeated. “She doesn’t look pregnant!”

“She is!”

“Well,” the young man said slowly, “if that’s true, he’s only

harming his own merchandise.” He glanced nervously over to where

Damon was now standing above the deceased slave owner, whose face

was cast into a ghastly death grimace of agony.

This still left Elena with no help for a woman she was afraid was

about to die. “Doesn’t anyone know where I can find a doctor?” There

were now mutterings in various tones from the crowd members.

“We might get further on if we could offer them some money,”

Meredith was saying. Elena immediately reached for her pendant, but

Meredith was quicker, unfastening a fancy amethyst necklace from

around her neck and holding it up. “This goes to whoever shows us a

good doctor first.”

There was a pause while everyone seemed to be assessing the

reward and the risk. “Don’t you have any star balls?” a wheezing voice

asked, but a high, light voice cried, “That’s good enough for me!”

A child—yes, a genuine street urchin—darted to the front of the

crowd, grabbed Elena’s hand and pointed, saying, “Dr. Meggar, right up

the street. It’s only a couple of blocks; we can walk it.”