better kind of winning,” Elena admitted. “Any time

we get to be together is winning. Any moment—even in that


Stefan winced, but Elena had to finish her thought. “Even there, to

look in your eyes, to touch your hand, to know that you were looking at

me and touching me—and that you were happy—well, that’s winning, in

my book.”

Stefan lifted his eyes to hers. In the dim light, the green looked

suddenly dark and mysterious. “And one more thing,” he whispered.

“Because I am what I am…and because your crowning glory isn’t that

glorious golden cloud of hair, but an aura that is…ineffable.

Indescribable. Beyond any words…”

Elena had thought they would sit and simply gaze at each other,

drowning in each other’s eyes, but that wasn’t happening. Stefan’s

expression had slipped and Elena realized how close to bloodlust—and

to death—he still really was.

Hurriedly, Elena pulled her damp hair to one side of her neck, and

then she leaned back, knowing Stefan would catch her.

He did this, but although Elena tilted her chin back, he tilted it

down in his two hands to look at her.

“Do you know how much I love you?” he asked.

His entire face was masked now, enigmatic and strangely thrilling.

“I don’t think you do,” he whispered. “I’ve watched and watched how

you were willing to do anything, anything to save me…but I don’t think