you know how much that love has been building up, Elena….”

Delicious shivers were going down Elena’s spine.

“Then you’d better show me,” she whispered. “Or I might not

believe that you mean it—”

“I’ll show you what I mean,” Stefan whispered back. But when he

bent down it was to kiss her softly. The feelings inside Elena—that this

starving creature wanted to kiss her instead of going at once for her

throat, reached a peak that she could not explain in thoughts or words,

but only by drawing Stefan’s head so that his mouth rested on her neck.

“Please,” she said. “Oh, Stefan, please.”

Then she felt the quick sacrificial pains, and then Stefan was

drinking her blood, and her mind, which had been fluttering around like

a bird in a lighted room, now saw its nest and its mate and swooped up

and up and up to at last reach unity with its best-beloved.

After that there was no need for clumsy things like words. They

communicated in thoughts as pure and clear as shimmering gems, and

Elena rejoiced because all of Stefan’s mind was open to her, and none of

it was walled off or dark and there were no boulders of secrets or

chained and weeping children…

What! she heard Stefan exclaim voicelessly. A child in chains? A