
Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness, we should focus on the improvement of parts of ourselves.

類似的還有other than(=except)除了(表示所說的不包括在內)。

He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 他除了向我要東西,從不跟我說話。

She has no close friends other than me. 她除了我以外從沒有別的好朋友。


A. 翻譯

1. 那位演講者聲稱,沒有哪個現代國家像中國那樣在公共事業資助和保健方麵投入其財富的比例如此之小。

2. 如果將睡覺的人一開始進入夢鄉就叫醒,即使他們的睡眠總量是足夠的,他們也很可能變得煩躁易怒。

3. 雖然他很喜歡她,但確實有時他也對她發火。

4. 水將繼續保持它今天的地位——在重要性方麵僅次於氧。

5. 社會保障退休計劃是由兩筆信托基金組成的,其中數額較大的一筆基金到來年可能會分文不值。

6. 做家庭作業是提高考試成績的可靠方法,在課堂測試中更是這樣。

7. 這個城市中有100多所夜校,這使專業人員能得到進修,不管他是從事什麼工作的。

8. 從這些數字的比較中可以看出,病人積極配合治療是改善其病情的重要原則。

9. 加利福尼亞的陽光多得它不知怎麼處理,但其他東西卻很貴。

10. 誰想要這本詞典,我就給誰。


1. The speaker claimed that no other modern nation devotes so small a portion of its wealth to public assistance and health as does China.

2. If individuals are awakened each time they begin a dream phrase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even though their total amount of sleep has been sufficient.

3. Much as he likes her, he does get irritated with her sometimes.

4. Water will continue to be what it is today: second in importance to oxygen.

5. The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds, the larger of which could go penniless by next year.

6. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true when it comes to classroom tests.

7. There are over 100 night schools in this city, making it possible for a professional to be reeducated no matter what he does.

8. As can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.

9. California has more light than it knows what to do with but everything else is expensive.